Buffy Summers

Seriously, the moment she hurt someone directly (as opposed to indirectly) she shifted from “sad story she needs help” to “she needs help but that help should occur while she’s incarcerated”.

She looks great and I’m glad she’s getting work. But the glossing over the DUIs is really irritating given the fact a regular person would still be under the jail for half the crimes she committed. She ran over a human being with her car! So she can fuck right off with the giggling.

So, so good at social media. Has anyone checked on Rubio after that burn? I haven’t seen him since. Someone find him and make sure his face hasn’t melted off.

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

Watch Black Panther twice. Problem solved.

Keep showing us who you really are, conservatives.

They did it to the parents of Sandy Hook victims too. It’s nauseating.

“conspiracists accusing them of being “crisis actors.” JFC. This is incredibly disgusting that these kids have to go through this. It’s mind blowing that this is happening. How do people that think like this live with themselves. smh. So frustrating that we can’t really do anything to stop this shit and silence those

You lucky, lucky bastard. I have family that are Trump supporters. To be fair, I don’t know how many of them are smart and organized enough to have ever voted, but they unequivocally love the guy.

I’ve still never met a gay Trump supporter. Honestly, I’ve never met a Trump supporter in-person. Only one person has even revealed themselves as a Trump supporter afterwards on social media, like a Trojan Horse full of literal horseshit.

I don’t have anything to add, I just wanted to say that I wholeheartedly agree and thank you for bringing that up.

Loved the article, one thing I feel like we should talk about is how violent Killmonger was specifically towards black women. He was a revolutionary, true, but also a wanton Mysoginist. He killed his GF in cold blood, he choked out an elder, slit the throat of a Dora Milijae and his biggest diss to T’Challah was, i’m

For decades Republicans have only been conservative in name...its never about spending less or fiscal responsibility but about allocation.

Trump’s budget proposal for 2019 adds $7 trillion to the deficit and eliminates the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,

I am incredibly sorry that happened to you. I am very thankful that PP saw you through that, though, and that they were so helpful. If you’re still not sharing with fam and friends, be sure to get some help if you need it in the future. I’m a survivor myself, so I understand.  

I’m so sorry for what you endured. I hope you’re doing better and have found some support.

I’m in the grays, so I don’t know if anyone will see this, but I’ll type it out anyway.

As an American, I hope I can help vote him out of office. I’m sure he wishes me to be successful with that.

That person in the photo can’t even plan out a fucking poster, of course they aren’t smart enough to plan parenthood. Jesus I hate American conservatives just so, so much

We are talking about a man who has been OPEN about being into underage girls since...well, since at least Manhattan. I don’t get the confusion?