Buffy Summers

When the majority of Republicans can get behind a serial child molester, you bet your ass we can generalize them to be morally bankrupt. At some point, there aren’t nuances anymore.

What a terrific human. I think I will write him a Christmas card. He honestly feels like my therapist in the Trump era.

How’s that Jill Stein vote feeling now?

I keep waiting for some epic curtain reveal where Republicans have to look down at their blood soaked hands and go, “Oh wait? We’re really forcing women into dangerous DIY abortions just to save a dime-sized cluster of cells while our elected officials sexually assault our children?”

They could have said “the dumpster who sexually assaulted the victim.” Better, you POS?

GROSS. So gross. Someday, she’s going to reread her statements and cringe.

Tbh that doughy, turtle-y smile is enough to give me hypertension. He is the human equivalent of a hemorrhoid.

Republicans would vote a rotting grapefruit into office so long as it hated women and minorities.

I think he looks like Mia. But who cares if he is Sinatra’s? Why do we keep hoping Mia wasn’t faithful to Woody because somehow that might level the playing field with Woody? Doesn’t matter. Straight up doesn’t matter.

Republicans are a fucking plague. Burn it to the ground; everybody better vote their ass off in 2018 and 2020.

Do you not think it reprehensible to write such things about a man who clearly does not want to go public with his health crisis? Do you not think it pathetic that someone took paparazzi photos of his trach while he did his grocery shopping?