
They both seem too nice and normal. Except for that whole “hey can you just fly immediately to Australia for a day?”


The average Trump supporter oscillates between not giving a fuck what foreign countries think about the United States and enjoying the fact other countries hate the United States. They’d call this data a success!

“once I, a black woman, encounters a racist person I can’t do anything to lessen whatever they want to do because my blackness is the trigger for their aggression”

Devastating but oh so accurate.

Don’t remember where I heard this, but there was a black speaker on a podcast who told a story about how he witnessed a situation where there was a hostile drunk who had been thrown out of a bar and was confronting some police. The drunk was shouting, hostile, violent, and out of control. And white. The witness

Once again, teachers are getting assigned other people’s homework.

The burden of these interactions should be on law enforcement, but oh well.

Now playing

They don’t seem to have any problem “de-escalating” when the perp is white.

Sheila Oliver, who first introduced the bill, states:

No, this is not how it works fellas. It is the job of the police to interact with the the public without, y’know, killing them.

Oh black kids get that talk by their parents at a very young age. Although it’s really more a talk about why we need to fear the cops and never trust them.

They’d save way more money and make better progress by getting rid of racist/bully cops and training whatever’s left on how to respect and care for the people they’re paid to protect.

Except it doesn’t matter does it? Philando Castile was totally compliant and still ended up executed by a cop.

Then we’ll make our own videos showing how to fight back...

It seems that encounters with the police lately should be the same as bear encounters, lay on the ground immediately and pretend you are dead. Any other motions will end up with you actually being dead.

As is the norm with this administration, these were probably the bullet points on his resume that got him the job.

Black people talk about crime within their own communities constantly. You don’t hear about it because it’s a problem that doesn’t effect or involve you, and that you only care about when you need a false equivalency to shutdown discussions about police brutality and racism.

This. With all the bullshit training cops get on covering their asses when they fuck up and murder somebody, you think they’d get a bit of training on how to give logical instructions. I’ve been stuck in a situation with one cop pulling me one way and another pushing me a different way, and both of them screaming