
Lip Stain moonlighting as a weapon. Yas!! I seriously love New York! 

Girl, I’m with you on that one. LOL

This has been happening for generations. The disenfranchisement of the Black vote is a cornerstone of Nixon’s Southern strategy. The Republican party has been very successful at promoting these “protocols” and “anti-voter fraud laws” at a local level. Thus far, this, along with redistricting,  has been very successful

Intriguing connections to the SCOTUS. Doesn’t Justice Thomas’ son also work for a bank or investment firm? 

My son is 6. If someone who plays his mom in our local community play decides that having sex with him is OK in 10 years, I will be catching a case. This is not OK. She’s a criminal. 

In the words of Big Freedia, Miss Michigan did not come to play with you hoes! 


You’re so right! At that time, I assumed she was progressive because she was a woman of color in a very senior role at the university. I was in awe of her at the time.

Often, older women who seem progressive are in collusion with the abusers. I interviewed for a job once, to be a Technology Graduate Assistant in the President’s office at my University. During the interview, by a very beautiful older “progressive woman”, I was asked if I was open to new things and not easily

This is heartbreaking and disgusting. This monster had no compassion for an innocent baby.  How in the world does the mother not get charged?

Ironically, or not so ironic, he actually lives in Trump tower.

Glad you mentioned this. I mourn the loss of the real heart of New Orleans every time we visit. Now that the corporations want to own the city, no one can afford to live in the area. All of the poor people are being crowded into the few remaining neighborhoods, which are the poorest and most crime infested. It’s a

New Orleans is built for festivals and large crowds. The hospitality is first class. No tent sleeping or bloody bug infested mattresses in the Crescent city! All of the event planners for this event should try another career. They failed at the basics. This level of incompetence deserves to be exposed at every level.

I had a sex dream (nightmare) about a former coworker. This is someone that I was not attracted to in the least. In my dream he was overbearing, naked and really hairy. I woke up completely disgusted and horrified.  

Remember when.....

I’m with you on this one. You have to know your veggies dude.

It matters. Representation always matters. I will tune in to support Rachel because she is AWESOME! I also think she’s way too good for this show. I will be watching to make sure the producers treat her with care and respect. I’ll be ready with my protest pen and t-shirt if they f—k this up in any way.

I semi-dated his great grandson in college. He didn’t exactly scream it from the rooftops that he was related to Strom Thurmond - considering his grandmother was Strom’s secret Black daughter.  

Such a beautiful, profound, simple message of empathy and love. To expect humanity and decency from our leaders. To remind us of what’s at state. Thank you Meryl. I can feel my heart again. It was getting a bit numb.

Obviously, she’s channeling Season 1 airhead Buffy, before she was chosen. It’s all part of method acting.