
Katrina “got rid” of a lot of very poor people in New Orleans, and the city is booming now, with the wealthy buying up the land and building flats and stores and so on... for themselves. Mardi Gras is pretty much entertainment for the wealthy and wealthy tourists now (of course it has been for a long time). Residents

On a personal level this is absolutely heartbreaking, but my overwhelming feeling is anger about this. The failings in this building by Kensington and Chelsea Council are an absolute discrace, blocks of flats don’t go up like that - fires are usually contained to one apartment or at worst one or two floors. This

Nate, why is there always that one person who starts lecturing the victim about how they could have been even more compliant and how it’s therefore their fault? (“Ah, but how far did you turn it down?”) And why do you choose to be that person?

What’s unsurprising is that middle aged white folks found this article from the alt-righters in the comments section of WaPo and had nothing better to do than roll over here to troll.

We all know this but it is as LeBron said a few days ago. Celebrity and money don’t matter. It’s rough being black in America. But I’m sure Jason Whitlock would tell you that you don’t have anything to complain about. Right, Jason?

The last time I hosted a party I went to my neighbors a couple days in advance and had polite, what I thought were nice, conversations where I informed them of the fact that I’d be hosting a party and asked that if they had any issues to please come talk to me first and I’d make things right.

This. Find whoever called the cops on you and make their life a living hell.

A small glimmer of good news in that there were senior officers who were going “Oh god what fuckery is this?” and not ones determined to double down no matter how stupid the decisions were.

My only take away from Kate Winslet’s filmography: Never take a trip with Kate Winslet.

Swap out Kate and Idris for Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon, and make the inevitable sex scene like 3x longer. Instant horror movie!

Same. Samesamesamesame.

To be fair, if my plane crashes and the only survivors are me and Idris Elba then I’m totally going to try to fuck him. Hell, I might try to fuck Kate Winslet too...I mean, if I’m probably going to die anyway then at least I’ll die having ticked that of my “to-do” list.

“Women, in general, get a lot of pushback, especially if you’re successful and attractive.”


Yup. That guy looks so smug. He and George Zimmerman must share an ancestor.

Now playing

Consider that “law and order” tends to lean much more heavily on the “order” part, and that the order to which they refer is that of white supremacy. The cops aren’t there so much to ensure justice for all and public safety as they are to keep nonwhites in their place.

I don’t see Will Smith and Chastain “fighting.” I see him agreeing with her and you trying to make it a wedge issue between them.

Republicans are passionate about the rule of law and Constitution, except when they aren’t.

I thought Republicans liked the rule of law and the constitution and stuff? Why do they love the idea of holding someone without a warrant just because the federal government asked you to?