
I’ve been making it a point to read and find out more of each of the victims as they are named. I was reading through Martyn Hett’s twitter, a young man who tragically was lost, and he gave me an unexpected laugh this morning:

Really, we all know that the real offense was seeing black skin in the form of the president and first lady, regardless of how covered or uncovered it was.

Now playing

Yes, all that plus the evolution of Mom dancing (MO has a sense of humor, no doubt an important part of how she lived through those 8 years):

Has anyone actually heard her speak the other languages? I think that, along with “studying architecture” and being a “business woman” is pure embellishment - a cornerstone of all things Trump.

For real, I cannot remember a tackier family in the White House in my lifetime, and I am old.

They did turn on him, on the topic of immigration reform. Dubya proposed a surprisingly tolerable path to citizenship for immigrants that had Democrats at least intrigued that a compromise was possible and moderate Republicans briefly excited. Then Fox had a conniption about it and the moderate GOPers fled, killing

I must admit to visiting Ivanka’s IG page every now and again and there are so many comments along the lines of “It’s so nice to finally have some class back in the White House” and it makes me SCREAMING mad. It’s evident to me that what they really mean is “Oh thank god, the whites are back in control” and apparently

It really is funny how America’s right-wing feels Obama caused America to lose face on the world stage.

I will say it forever: I love Michelle Obama so, so much. All of the grace, beauty, and fashion sense of Jackie O. combined with the political moxie, strength, and character of Eleanor Roosevelt. I wish we could have her back.

Yes, because according to the Twitter alt-right, at least, Mrs. O would definitely have done that on a state visit to Israel.

Many didn’t, they got caught up in the Bowling Green Massacre.

“I cannot even imagine being 50 years old and looking as amazing as MO. She is a major fitness goal.”

The same way all Fox News wet dreams end—Sean Hannity listlessly wiping up with a grey gym sock.

Smooth move, Melania, pretending you were pushing your hair back. You don’t even pretend you don’t want this first lady gig. And he doesn’t even pretend to care about you. His reaching for your hand is a sign of either dominance or it’s a “we’re in public, we should hold hands” type thing.

His hand is not what she’s getting paid to hold.

Phew, thank god we don’t have that accomplished gracious black lady deplaning Air Force One dressed in shorts, according to my conservative relative, that was directly a part of Obama humiliating us on the world’s stage. I’m not sure how this FOX News wet dream of a presidency ends, but it will be bizarre and awful

Ah, I did not know that. Thank you. So she thought only her brother would be there? I don’t understand.

She did a video stream or something and said it was because she didn’t know her mom would be on the show, no one told her and she wouldn’t have given her permission if she knew her parents would be there and get betrayed by someone she considered a friend.

I never knew about that episode of the Oprah show until Mo’Nique talked about it a few days ago. I just always knew she was pissed at Lee Daniels and Tyler Perry. I still didn’t know all the reasons why she was mad at them, but because they are them, I was like, “fair”. But hearing all this about what Oprah did,

If I remember correctly, she did a taped segment, but did not appear with her family in the studio, which made sense to me at the time. I wonder how Oprah got her to do it. I remember her talking about being molested by her brother, and it seemed like the family felt they were somehow being maligned and wanted to “set