
Who’d of thought that in the USA a pretty white girl would get preferential treatment after committing massive fraud?

Cold water swimmers around the world can go out and swim for 45 minutes to an hour in 45 degree water without suffering hypothermia. What’s their secret? It isn’t a drug.

Harry is going to be on Colbert Tuesday night. Should be interesting.

This is a gaggle of clowns trying to herd cats but I am loving every minute of it. Watching the party of tr8tors of h8ers trip over tables and fall down stairs is just perfect. I’m hoping for a cat fight between Boebert and Greene myself. 2024 is looking better and better.

He’s famous now so let’s make that obnoxious woman famous too.

“How dare you find out about all my lies and make them public” said no honest person ever. What a joke. Republicans can’t even make up good lies.

Clarkson stopped being funny years ago. Maybe he’s been hanging with Piers Morgan too much. Anywho, he’s always been a bit of a jerk and a dick so he’s just writing true to form. Why is anyone surprised?

Clarkson stopped being funny years ago. Being a contrarian asshole gets old after a while.

Hey, if the producers of the series can have Indy fly a quarter mile in a refrigerator after being next to an atomic bomb then he can time travel. Oops, did I say that out loud? Isn’t that the “Dial of Destiny”, time travel?

I’m not a rocket scientist but why can’t they plug the hole from the outside? There must be a procedure for it. How can we talk about traveling to Mars if we’re ready to abandon a spacecraft because of a .8mm hole?

What about all those Utah voters who like the “Young Mormon Girls” videos on Pornhub? You can be sure whatever the GOP is trying to ban they’ve seen it and done it before.

If Elon wants to ban the guy from using public information maybe Musk should buy the tracking company then he can block tracking all of his friends planes too.

Are we sure that Musk isn’t a brother by another mother of Caliguduh? He’s certainly filling in for him with his willingness to ignore truth and just make shit up. Trump/Musk 2024.

Thanks for the review. Now I know one movie I won’t go to. 

Maybe she can work on her tennis game and take some cooking lessons while she’s at it.

Gay and Trans people living in Colorado Springs have more spine than any of the Republican trash in Colorado. The Springs is the MAGA and Q headquarters so living there is a constant battle with the foil hat crowd.

All those chickens coming home to roost.

I’d agree if the Rosetta Stone was the only copy but there are a dozen other copies in Egypt already. These were decrees sent out over the kingdom to numerous cities. If the English want to keep it let them buy it. 

Watch him turn any apology into an “event” with a camera crew and some over the top gift. But anyone who abuses a server is an automatic asshole.

You children need to get out more. The “Lighthouse” but not “Body Heat”??