
Then there’s this amazing way to watch it for free, it’s called an antenna!! Most people around the US can “stream over the air” for free. Isn’t technology amazing?!

Is there a cat inside?

Does anyone want to start building a canon of the all-time greats we’ve had on here, over the years?

I feel like the crawling civil war ghost would go on there for me, from this year. Just a deeply upsetting mental image.

“The cassowary is rightfully considered the most dangerous bird in the world!” the zoo says. “Each 3-toed foot has a dagger-like claw on the inner toe that is up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) long! The cassowary can slice open any predator or potential threat with a single swift kick.”

2020 needs to be even more of a “wave” than 2018 for a few reasons:

On the joy ridden Range Rover, go and confront the dealer. The owner has strong evidence that the car was being used as a personal car. Require that the dealer refund all diagnostic and repair fees and provide a full detail of the car for free, in exchange for not bringing legal action against the dealer. Even if a

I’d love to know what store the author shops at. I shop at Kroger and their self-check out systems are great. I never have an issue with any products, even bulk weight and count items like produce.

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.

Now playing

the extremely fast cars are making the speed noises once more.”

The science experiment is good, but keeping an eye on a constant bowl of soaked beans seems high maintenance.

How is Detroit worse than Atlanta? Unless you have to go from one end of the terminal to the other, Detroit’s a breeze.  Atlanta has god-awful security, is always mobbed, and it’s death if you have to go from one terminal to the other on the doom-train.

the Democrats never had the Senate, so they could never lose it. they did win the House however. I know the blue wave wasn’t as wavy as we had hoped but some good did come out of it (imagine the first day when Maxine Waters can announce she will be subpoenaing Trump’s taxes and tell me that doesn’t bring a smile to

Legal: Repairing motorized land vehicles and their software

Registering the domain name 3.56m.com. Be right back.

She should burn more of them.  Throw in some Nazi flags too.  Make it a bonfire!

Detroit: Now that’s Urban decline, amirite?

Soooo, where can I get my “Impolite, arrogant woman” t-shirt? Yeah, I’m that bitch.

“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”

Funniest film ever. Even better that Life Of Brian.

1993 called, they want your backwards hat back. Get that shit off of it before you send it, though.