
They spelled the doctors name wrong. It’s not Bhatt but Ratt.

I’d like to hear that lawyer’s argument before the court saying Jack customers are morons who can’t be trusted to tell the difference between a dog toy and a glass bottle.

I’m guessing they look like that because there’s a bunch of incel nerds doing the designing.

When I first saw that picture of her I thought it was David Bowie in drag.

Tik Tok can claim whatever they want but they’re owned by the CCP and they do track every click, message and user. I’ll never trust it.

That script probably didn’t have enough super star women saving the universe from the idiot men like the last three Wars.

Now playing

The drive across Paris is cool but I just saw the Ferrari F-1 smashing the Nurburgring record. Blinding speed and traction.

The best video I saw this week was the Ferrari F-1 smashing the Nurburgring record by almost 60 seconds. I thought the Porsche 919 EVO video was nuts but the Ferrari does it a minute faster.

What’s the difference between ODD and shitty parents who let their kids walk all over them and then excuse their behaviors as “conduct disorders”? Young kids push boundaries all the time and when parents make excuses then you have ODD. 

The gene pool got a little deeper. I’m done with ignorant  “citizens” and their reality distortion fields. Good riddance.

Would you say the same thing if the officer had been shot first? He played a dangerous game out of ignorance and he lost.

Some people just shouldn’t be given anything hot or sharp. 

I have mixed feelings about Pluto TV. I like the movie channels but the news section carries OAN, NewsMax and America’s Voice. All rabid right-wing lie fests. And Pluto is owned by Viacom/CBS which cares for its ratio of lies versus stock price just like Fox.

Looking at that photo of the bridge am I correct in seeing a separated pedestrian path and a bike lane? Why on earth were all those bikers not using that separate lane during the morning rush hour? Bikers may have the right of way but use some common sense. 

How about one of the first AI movies, Colossus:The Forbin Project (1970). A super computer that’s given total control over our defense finds there is a similar computer in Russia, makes contact, creates its own language and threatens humanity.

I’ve worked in delis a while and the thing always pissed me and my co-workers off most was the guy who comes in 5 minutes to close and wants 1/4 pound each of eight different meats and cheeses right after you’ve cleaned the slicers.

How is she still a thing? Other than Transformers and Two and a Half men I defy anyone to name something else she has done without hitting IMDB.

But it was. It was spreading that gay Jew Chinese AIDS contrail virus that makes you less white. It’s all in the bible somewhere. Our military isn’t stupid though. They shot it down over a hundred feet of water where it will be easily found.

Maybe they’re both on a second honeymoon or maybe he has to move the body.

She did something stupid, fucked up and died. But don’t worry, some lawyer will find a way to blame the airline and the airport for the employees stupidity. She was trained, then warned and then she did it anyways. I’m old and have given up letting stupidity slide.