
Trimmed asparagus with a dash of soy sauce and then nuke for two minutes in a semi-sealed container works great. Try corn in the husk for two minutes per ear and it will be perfect.

Stop making these “men” out as serious domestic terrorists. They’re sad little excuses for males hiding out in mom’s basement and playing GTA5 and COD. They’re all talk. The only thing that would get these guys upset is if they were banned from Pornhub. 

Let me guess. Beautiful images with a social message. PC aliens being perfect against those evil earthlings.

Stupid people with too much money explains crypto in one sentence.

The country’s mentioned talk about reparations from England. But England abolished slavery in 1807 and then the US picked up the slack. Why not go after the Portugese or the Dutch? They were into the Caribbean slave trade before the English. Or how about the African chiefs who were happy to sell captives and their own

What’s stopping them from leaving? It’s not like England is threatening them if they want to go. Hold a referendum and vote to leave. Or is it that a lot of the citizens don’t want to leave? Nothing was mentioned regarding how many people want independence. All of the country’s mentioned are heavily in debt and get

The Michigan GOP is completely off the rails. Tudor (what a name) picked a running mate who is crazier than she is and every ad the Dems run have her making those same statements regarding a 14 year old. I’m an atheist and I pray that the GOP dies a gruesome death here in MIchigan.

That’s his excuse for unwanted sexual advances, she begged me for it. They are both a steaming pile of garbage. If she wasn’t in Congress Boebert would be stripping somewhere for dollar tips.

Heavens to Betsy Costco might raise the price of their hot dogs. That might lower stock dividends by 1/10,000th of a penny and we can’t have that. 

If you’re going to be known as the go to restaurant for the right-wing elite you’d better expect some backlash. Keep up the good work trolls.

Bezos will just buy them a new bridge. Money talks and his screams. Pretty poor planning though.

This is the second time I’ve read about a control lock crash. The first was a 10K hour pilot who did the same thing. The control lock on that plane is almost invisible between the pilots legs. Maybe there needs to be some kind of indicator or flashing light to alert the pilot.

These are all bad but you missed the biggest one. Parents who use a phone or a tablet as a substitute for parenting. You might as well be giving them heroin. 

Fuck those perjurers. Trump’s picks all lied under oath so as far as I’m concerned they don’t deserve a moments peace for the rest of their lives. Let them have Uber eats deliver their $80 steaks.

Thomas and that bunch of perjurers recently put on the court will try and remove everything pre 1953 except for mixed race marriage. He’s willing to gore everyone’s ox but not his own. They’re a joke and a fraud.

You wonder how many of the January 6th traitors had been tweeting about destroying the government and never had any DHS visits? There is no way there weren’t any and if there were then why no visits.

I’ve driven that road a thousand times and it is a fantastic drive. One of the greats. The trouble is it’s miles and miles of dead straight road, incredible scenery and loads of dips and rises. You hit a dip or rise at 14o and you’re done. And the BS that the promoters are shoveling with their “this is against our

You call those speedbumps? Go down to Rocky Point in Mexico. Their speedbumps are pyramid shaped and steeper and taller. Every one has a trail of oil leading away from it. The locals hang out and watch the gringos fly their rental cars.

If you’re that incompetent with a sharp knife then stay away from a mandolin. Nothing is more dangerous in a kitchen than a mandolin.

We’d better get used to the GOP crazies calling the Dems every name in the book. Come November the Dems will be heroin snorting pedophiles who cross dress and eat children while communicating with the lizard overlords while wearing antifa uniforms as they attack the Justices. And we thought the summer of 69 was nuts.