
My laughter at those knuckleheads rings across the valley. “But, but you mean buying something worthless and arbitrary means I lose money. Nobody told me.”

I know that Lake Powell lost 44 feet over 2021 and it is 32 feet away from the “dead pool” with no electric generation or irrigation. Phoenix and Tuscon and LA better break out the emergency plans.

30 million dollars screams very loudly and Cruise is no fool and he is almost 60 so .......

Then we’re screwed. Nuclear would take at least a decade to come on line if it was possible. But the greens will make it take 20 or more years. Big Oil won’t have it and money will be paid to regulators to make sure it doesn’t. Try talking to the Third World to see if they’re willing to keep their low standards of

We raised our son in a small town and what we said to him was “Don’t start yourself on fire and we’ll see you for lunch”. He knew what was dumb and what wasn’t. He survived just fine.

The remaining “truckers” all got calls from their parole officers telling them they’d better have their asses back in state by Monday morning.

I got turned onto the “Big King” at BK the other day. 2 for 5$. It’s BK’s version of a Big Mac. Two patties with cheese and their “special” sauce. They were very good.

Your statement exemplifies “Murphy’s Law”. Whoever put that child behind the wheel should be in trouble. 

The earth and evolution have had enough of our shit. Something out of a Stephen King novel will pop up sooner or later. Humanity is a virus and nature has the cure.

Well yeah. Dershowitz was an Epstein bro. He used to ride around Marthas Vineyard with Epstein and was a regular passenger in his jet. Dershowitz even went to Epstein’s private island where I’m sure nothing untoward went on at all. I bet Harvard is glad he’s gone from the hallowed halls.

8K TVs are the equivalent of home computers being sold with 4 or 8T hard drives. It’s the newest thing and a marketing point. The trouble is that most people don’t use a fraction of the hard drives they have now. And most cable companies don’t provide the bandwidth necessary to stream 4K, let alone 8K.

Wasn’t Dershowitz one of Epstein’s “guests” on his island of underage delights? I wonder if Harvard is still using him as a example for their law school?

Surge protectors wouldn’t do you any good because a CME would fry the circuitry itself even if it wasn’t plugged in. Just having conductive wires and circuitry would be enough to fry all of it. You’d be better off making one room of your house a Faraday Cage and hard wiring all connections but have all those

How much was the Michelin reviewer paid to give that joke any stars? Maybe it was his cousins restaurant or something. But what a review! Maybe “Bros” means “pretentiousness” in Italian.

I’m old and set in my ways and think you have to lazy or stupid or both to use a self-driving car. Tesla’s are great cars but giving a computer control over your life seems foolish to me. What’s so important while driving at night that you let the computer drive? Are you watching a video? Maybe drunk and need a ride?

Two dozen cheese sliders from White Castle is a hero move. 20$ and you’re a god.

Can you turn a room in your house into a Faraday cage to protect your electronics. I don’t think surge protectors would be nearly enough. Wouldn’t a CME fry everything with circuitry? Car electronics, phones, etc. Find a Ford tractor from the 30's or 40's with a hand crank starter.

MTG really is the epitome of that person who is so dumb and tone deaf all they hear is themselves. And the fact she’s an adult and doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re just spot lights her idiocy.

No Home Alone???? WTF!!

Anti-Italianism?   Is that the newest whiny, woke, PC buzzword. This movie looks like a gas and I for one will go see it. And Jared Leto is a treasure so fuck the haters.