
I get the feeling that Mark has watched “Ready Player One” a thousand times and gets a stiffy every time. It’s just a coincidence that FB owns Oculus, the biggest VR goggle maker.

It’s all about your tires. I drove a Ford Focus wagon in Telluride (elev. 8750) for years and I had on Bridgestone Blizzak tires and they stick to the road. Black ice, ice and snow, whatever. The Colorado State Police use them and they have to drive when it’s bad out. Tires and not going too fast or braking hard and

The phrase “white trash” is thrown out a lot. Is it racist to use the term “black trash”? Asking for a friend.

Have you seen some of the rock crawlers in Southern Utah that are driven around? Can’t be road driven? Hah! Sounds like a bet to me.

I used to ride my road bike year round but not anymore. I don’t care what state or road you’re on. So many people aren’t paying attention to the road anymore. It’s their damn phones or their video screens getting bikers killed. Riding against the traffic flow may be illegal but at least you can see them coming.

What a class act. His Mom must be so proud of him.

How’s that “just in time” ordering working out?

Start with a minimum of 6 months in jail and 50K fine for a first offense. A DUI will cost you at least 10K and your license. There’s room now with all the minor weed offenses getting out early. No more messing around. Jail.

You go Dave! Say what you think and fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke. Not everyone toes the liberal line regarding bi-trans-cis whatever and it’s sad that the circular firing squad of the progressive left can’t see that they’re censoring what they don’t like, just like the right. You don’t like what he says, don’t

He’s rich, he’s in hog heaven and he doesn’t give a fuck what you or I or his voters want. He’ll play golf for free with his owners and get a board seat on Exxon and hang out with his fellow coal mine owners at the Greenbriar. 

I just tried to post this article to Facebook and guess what? “That page could not be reached”.

Manchin is a GOP mole doing what’s best for him and fuck the voters. As if being a professional politician isn’t enough Manchin shows what a craven self-centered up yours POS he really is.

I hope this ends up with one of the plaintiffs showing up at Jones’s house with a court decision and a couple of sheriff’s and throw his crap out onto the lawn while the locks are changed.

Manchin and Sinema are Republican moles. Manchin was elected by Exxon and Big Coal and Sinema was elected by Big Copper. They can profess their Democratic credentials but when push comes to shove they’re Republicans. They’re the designated monkey wrenches in the machine.

Not just an egg wash, try slathering your Thanksgiving turkey with mayo just before it goes into the oven.

You’d expect a toadstool to be on  a steaming pile of shit, wouldn’t you? Isn’t that how fungi work?

I loved Burns “Ali”, now maybe he should correct his mistake when he spit on the memory of Ty Cobb in his “Baseball” film. The first superstar sports figure and the greatest player who ever lived. All the trash talked about Cobb is based on one book written by a hack journalist Al Stump and Cobb needs to have his

Why is any political writer surprised when a Republican talks out of both sides of their mouth? 

Remember that your child hears and remembers everything. They’re sponges. And you can’t be afraid of their first few tantrums. Don’t give in or you will sorry for the next 10 years. And most importantly of all, put your damn phone down and pay attention. If you want to raise an e-heroin junkie then stay on your phone

What did Bill Burr say about an “epidemic of gold digging whores”? Oh, right, Melania, she’s patient zero.