
The bible thumpers will call it god’s wrath against gays and socialists but I prefer it’s god’s wrath against the narrow minded christian bigots who make a mockery out of religion.

Whine all you want pizza snobs, but I can get an 8 corner with extra pepperoni well done for 11$ from Little Caesars.. Fuck those $15-20 artisanal jokes of a pizza. Those things are the pizza equivalent of a half-caf, 3 squirts of caramel macchiatos. Crispy crust and slightly burned pepperoni. That’s a pizza.

Wait! This piece of shit show is still on? Who knew?

Ask me in 8 1/2 minutes. Oh wait, you can’t. All you can hope for is that you’re on the dark side of the Earth when it hits.

Potatoes fried in bacon grease and the next level of Heaven.

What exactly does an “executive producer” for Jeopardy do? It’s followed the exact same formula for 40 years. Other than changing the look of the players stands and the frame around the questions what does this guy do that makes him so valuable?

You think the Feds don’t monitor comments like yours? You’ve got a big red flag next toyour name now you numb nuts. Your entire life is being scrutinized and monitored. If I were you I’d throw out my phone, unplug my computer and wait for the black helicopters.

The Big Mac has been and will always be the perfect burger. I’ve never had a bad one.

You’ve never worked as a server or a bartender have you? No one reports 100% of their tips. Every restaurant owner I’ve worked for always took a C note out every night. Unless someone gets greedy and really stupid and claims no tips the IRS doesn’t bother. If billionaires can get away with no taxes why bother someone

You think the FBI isn’t cruising parking lots with license plate ID software during white nationalist protests. Trump rallies. Anti-mask rallies. Or people commenting on Q websites. No wonder there are so many names on the list. Hell, if only 5% of Trump voters are gun carrying white power nut bags that’s 3.5 million.

Get some baristas to post their most ridiculous customers orders. 

Roasting everything is the key. Tomatoes, peppers, corn, everything.

I watched the Countach’s debut on Hoovie’s Garage and yeah it’s pretty and a little more modern but $2.6 million dollars! Hoovie had his 25th anniversary Countach that looked just as good and it’s worth $300K. But there are plenty of stupid people with too much money out there and Lambo knows it.

Didn’t the climate models say that the Earth wouldn’t heat up for decades too? Didn’t they all say that  what is happening right now wouldn’t happen until the end of the century? Their PHDs depend on them not saying we just don’t know.

The Right Wingers hoard their guns to protect themselves from the tyranny of the Feds telling them what to do but when the state of Florida acts the dictator and tells people what to do it’s okay. But try explaining the hypocrisy of those two views and you’re bouncing bullets off rocks. 

Maybe he’s smart (not really) but anyone who looks like a wall of bad graffiti and is known as someone’s son and nothing else isn’t worth the electricity to watch him. Is Chet the west coast equivalent of an Erik?

Walker is the Bizarro World version of Taylor-Greene. He needs the concussion protocol.

Every time he sits next to a mirror he’s sitting next to the person that did it.

How about a lifetime flying ban and a $50,000 fine. Bring back flying guards with cuffs and restraining straps. Have the cops waiting at the destination and straight to jail. Hopefully a jail in Mexico or Malaysia. 

I wonder how many of those state legislators are old Tennessee families that made their family fortunes on the backs of slaves? More than a few I’m betting.