
How much cooking haven’t you done if you think putting chocolate and popcorn in hot oil would work? You don’t pour sauce into boiling spaghetti water and expect it to work. Learn to freaking cook.

How much cooking haven’t you done if you think putting chocolate and popcorn in hot oil would work? You don’t pour sauce into boiling spaghetti water and expect it to work. Learn to freaking cook.

Christianity is the greatest example of brain washing and voluntary slavery ever created. Religion truly poisons everything.

Vladimir Putin must consider that couple of hundred grand he spent on Facebook ads the best money he ever spent. For decades Russia spent billions on trying to bring down America and here Vladi spent a pittance and let American stupidity take over. Putin is the champion.

Burton would make a great permanent host as long as they don’t make the guest host thing Star Trek based. Brent Spiner as host doesn’t work for me.

What’s next, how to butter toast safely? Maybe boil water without killing yourself. How dumb do you have to be to not be able to hold a knife 1 inch above the pit, tap it and twist. Darwin would love this. 

Unless Honda has figured out a way to teleport a biker out of the way of a texting driver or a drunk driver I don’t see death proofing ever happening.

That’s a hell of a thing for a Team USA coach to say, that it’s a “mental issue” and not an injury.  What kind of a coach would throw one of our countries greatest medal winners under the “she’s crazy” bus? Biles has done enough to be immortal and that lame-ass big mouth coach needs to be on the first plane home. 

I don’t care what he says his reasons are, it’s because his view will be “ruined” if he can see them. Guy’s like him, it’s always about the money. 

If it hadn’t of been for that meteor birds would be ruling the world today.

That idiot couldn’t find a parking garage and dump the car? He hasn’t seen The Driver or Baby Driver.

These racist asshats have always been here, but it wasn’t until Trump showed them you could be a complete racist asshole without repercussions. Maybe it’s time for people to not film someone like her and just beat her ass. Bullies only understand getting punched in the face as a deterrent. Look what happened to this

Good God, the trail up Ben Nevis is practically a damn road. How lost can you get? If only there were a map or trail guide made out of,, paper? Learn to read a map people. Personally I love Google Maps. I flew into Detroit a few years ago after the city had been pounded with rain storms. All the highways were flooded

I’ve got friends in the Colorado water establishment who tell me that Colorado will release some water out of Blue Mesa but they won’t crush irrigation farmers in Colorado so Vegas can air conditioning, full swimming pools and green golf courses. The same goes for Phoenix, Tucson and LA.

I can’t believe that MF’s house is still standing.

Go for it Lindsey. Eat a couple of them as fast as you can. As you’re choking to death I’ll be dialing “119" for you.

MTG is the political equivalent of some naked guy on the subway jerking off and screaming about the spiders on his arms. She needs help and pity but fuck her and her fellow traitors.

Best Buy Warriors attack!!! OMG Lance, there are angry black people out there. Back to the attack trucks white heroes”.

Check out the commercial for “Speakeasy”, Canada’s biggest commercial grower. 150, 000 pounds grown this year. Saw it on Youtube.

Worst Borat cosplay ever.