
Until this article every story I saw about this incident made it sound like these guys were white militia asshats. Black wasn’t mentioned anywhere. I guess craziness applies equally. Maybe that’s why I’ve seen no pictures of these guys in any major news coverage. “Armed Black Men” might freak out the 3 Percenters” and

Enough with the “Trump’s America” stuff. These people didn’t just fall out of the fucking sky. They’ve always been here. They’ve been here since the Pilgrim days. Trump showed them they could crawl out from under their rocks and say their stupid shit without repercussions. Now they feel untouchable because they’ve

All the “throw her off the team” comments seem to be exclusively middle class white people. It’s called the First Amendment but since Republicans only see the Constitution as a bunch of suggestions their opinions aren’t worth a bucket of spit. What would her critics be saying if the winner had been a pretty white girl

“Unstable” fireworks that have been shipped around the world on ships from China or driven up from Mexico. How unstable could they be? They couldn’t have driven them slowly to a quarry or something. Don’t any of the cops watch Mythbusters. And if their were homemade M-80's they probably came from Mexico. We used to

Too little too late Mr. Organizers. It was a bad crash yeah, but how about the single bike wide lanes of drunken clods on all the climbs. It’s happened before and will happen again. The riders know the risks and ride anyways. Shit happens.

He has a flashing day-glo target on him for the rest of his life. There are a lot of lifers who would kill him for a candy bar or just for the credit. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

It’s almost time for the mass migration to start from West to East. Two more years of drought and no water for Vegas or LA or Phoenix. Buy some land around the Great Lakes. It’s not quite as awesome as the West but it’s green and has plenty of water. Sell that $2 million dollar house in LA and buy 40 acres in Michigan

What a bunch of chumps and nerds. You’re all buying 2000 HP Ferraris and don’t drive over 35 MPH.  Apple knows you’ll buy the newest and greatest thing and you fall for it every time. An iPad two generations ago is still more powerful than what you think you need now. But it’s cool and new and shiny and bright. Apple

Crypto-currencies turn is next.

Did the pilot pull a gun and force them onto the helicopter? No. Kobe didn’t want to deal with traffic. He used the helicopter like a limo all the time and accidents happen. His wife is trying to protect the estate now to keep the other families of the dead from suing her.

He should havejust thought real hard that gravity is just a theory so it’s not real. Darwin Awards 2020.

Or the line cook could learn how to be a bartender if they’re making so much more than he is. But if you keep drinking after your free one then tip.

Trump is one cold Big-Mac away from calling on his adoring supporters to start targeted assassinations on his behalf. He’s free to do whatever he wants and a narcissistic psychopath with a million gun-toting minions can do a lot of damage. 

Trump is one cold Big-Mac away from calling on his adoring supporters to start targeted assassinations on his behalf. He’s free to do whatever he wants and a narcissistic psychopath with a million gun-toting minions can do a lot of damage. 

I just watched Cleetus McFarland’s video on his YouTube channel at the same event you were at. He’s 6'6" and once the seat was adjusted he liked it. Personally I like the “cockpit” feel of a fast car and for around 60 to 70 K the 8 sounds like a great car. I don’t know what the wait time is but I’d bet you can get a

Another New York billionaire with a checkered past. No thanks. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s there to syphon off Democratic votes and play spoiler in the election. If Bloomberg wants to be President he should run as the savior of the Republican Party and run against Trump. And he thinks decriminalizing weed is

If those plastics don’t recycle and we don’t want to burn them then make them into building materials. I know there are researchers making road surface out of plastic. Why can’t they all be melted and mixed and pressed into tiles for driveways, roofing tiles etc.?

I love these type of articles and I understand most of it and I was wondering if anyone sees as a possibility that the Higgs Boson and the Higgs Field which may be gravity itself could also be dark matter? The Higgs Field and dark matter are the same thing.

Nothing like hearing jack boots on the stairs in the middle of the night, as well armed soldiers arrest the dishwasher next door. Glad we don’t live in a dictatorship. The market for black helicopters and black Suburbans must be back logged.

I can already the marketing people at Coke drawing up plans for a smoky Coca-Cola. Smoka-Cola anyone? Coke Smoke? But honestly I might drink it.