
I wonder what Hannity’s ratings would be without every media outlet watching him? He’s an ass-kissing douche nozzle surely, but what percentage of his viewers are watching just to see what stupid shit he says tonight. Maybe his ratings are comparable to Tammy Faye Bakkers when we’d watch the 700 Club Sunday nights

James, how about posting a who lives and who dies box score game? 

Next up, Spielberg signs 4 picture deal with Netflix.

Republicans? Read??

A pun walks into a bar and kills ten people. Pun in, ten dead.

My ex-wife and her mother and sister wanted me to go see their psychic down in Dallas. They knew I thought psychics were complete frauds but they stayed true. Before we went I planted a bunch of envelopes with names I made up, some tourist brochures and a letter I typed on my MIL’s computer from a made up mortuary

The First Officer and Helmsman must have passed out already.

White people don’t stop acting like white people just because of an imaginary border line. Maybe that’s where they breed the stupid racist asshole cops that show up in the US. Quebecississippi du Nord.

Considering that 99% of those warehouse jobs are grunt work, picking, boxing and shipping, maybe Bezos could get himself off the “evil bad guy asshole” list by plopping the warehouse in the middle of Kansas or Nebraska. With his money he could find some small town and buy the whole thing, build a thousand new homes

If DJT was playing poker he’d be holding his cards backwards and raising on a pair of twos. 

So in other words, nobody.

A lot of grocers will grind up a whole beef roast for you to make your own 85/15. They won’t do pork though, too messy.

Who is broadcasting the AAF. I have Comcast, Roku with network coverage. Who? ESPN 8 The Ocho?

My go to character test is how she treats servers and staff in a restaurant. The true assholes show themselves every time.

I’m enough of an optimist to believe that if Trump and his pals try to hide or bury the report there will copies of it in the in boxes of every major paper in the country and damn the consequences.

A new dealer Z6 in Detroit has some marked down to 108,000$.

Let’s see how many of these 1/29 commenters revise their comments now that he’s been arrested for faking the attack.

Three words: Absence of Malice. Fuck that brat and the GOP shitstains behind him.

Two words: jumps, wings.

Then enjoy playing Fortnite in your sweats and being alone. 10 minutes a day is hardly constant.