
Kuchar can try to justify his behavior all he wants with legal arguments and messed up rich persons logic but it comes down he’s just a fucking cheapskate who wanted to keep the money. Cheeeeeeap! should be his new fan shoutout.

Using the excuse “I don’t have the time” is always a copout. You can have a sparkling bathroom, a clean kitchen all within 10 minutes if you try. I like the set a timer comment. Set it for 15 minutes and clean a room. Do the dishes, Swiffer the kitchen floor, put toilet bowl cleaner in the bowl and spray the toilet

I wonder if there are some outtakes with Behar or Whoopi telling McCain to just shut the fuck up!

You can’t “see” stupidity either but here we are.

Be prepared to see some real poverty. You’ll see lepers minus fingers begging and worse. People defecate openly on the side of the road. Have your mind ready. Have your shots up to date. I can’t even imagine what kind of pathogens are mixed up in that dust. Try to enjoy yourself.

What is this AAF of which you speak? Is it in between the Senior Womens Bowling League and 2A Lacrosse coverage?

All those big brains trying to answer, but none of them just admit “I don’t know”. Everything’s relative.

Love your name.

Hey, I was wrong about him faking. When he came here at the age of 12 he became just another piece of shit banger. Respect!

I agree that he’s getting screwed over but hasn’t he made statements about his felony convictions and his hard life growing up in Atlanta? Faking his street cred gave the feds ammo to use on him.

You lie down with dogs you get fleas. 

Pelosi looked like she was congratulating Trump for saying all those big words properly. “You’re such a big boy Donald”.

I’m investing in guillotine and head spike futures. The future looks bright.

This shit will continue as long as police unions defend these morons and insurance companies pay off harassment or excessive force lawsuits. The first time a cop is found personally responsible and has to pay the damages out of their own pocket will this crap stop.

I ran a grocery store out in Colorado and one of my customers was this guy who shambled in every morning, bought a coffee and went outside and sat for hours and hours. We jokingly called him Thor for thorazine because we thought he was a mental patient. His brother told me in the late 60's he had grabbed a vial of

That was the first Super Bowl I’ve ever had to drink coffee to watch. The biggest crime was giving Edelman the MVP for an average performance when it should have gone to Johnny Hecker.

You better believe all those companies will be selling that info to insurance companies in the near future. A massive cash cow that people are paying to give them.

According to the IRS there are 10,601 people making 10 million dollars a year. These people are the ones the GOP are protecting and the 325 million rest of us are paying for. Tax them to hell.

Here’s some whiteness for you Michael. The white definition of “negus”is a hot drink made with lemon and honey and the black definition is an Ethiopian royal title. Your majesty.

There’s no such thing as bad weather just bad clothes. Whiteout blizzards and black ice roads are excuses for closing but not cold. A lot of people aren’t afraid of the cold and will be out. Ask for volunteers to work anyways.