
Like tears... in the rain.

I moved back to Detroit 5 years ago to take care of my folks and right away got a concealed permit and a pocket .380. I’ve concealed carried exactly once in 5 years. Carrying it “just in case” is a joke. If someone comes up behind you and puts a gun to your head or pulls open your car door and has a gun on you at

Great, another billionaire who equates wealth with political acumen. You don’t hire a plumber to rewire your house. You don’t hire a salesman to do surgery. You hire a politician to do politics. I’ve had enough of amateurs saying they know better than people who’ve been doing a job their whole lives because they “just

Bolton heard the Mueller report is almost ready. As soon as the indictments come down the troops go into Columbia, then Venezuela. He and Trump would sacrifice young American lives for a distraction in a heartbeat.

Are the ad agencies that promote Oxy to doctors responsible for opioid deaths. Was Don Draper responsible for cancer deaths because of Marlboro advertising? It was all McFarland being convincing and a lot of young people with too much money and no brains following “influencers” like sheep. A little research about the

I hope he has on clean pajamas when the FBI come through his front door at 6AM sometime next week.

They should make it with helium and market it to kids. Shriek Pepsi.

If everyone in the industry called in sick for two days, say Super Bowl weekend this would be over quickly.

This bullshit would stop tomorrow if it wasn’t the city paying out these judgements but the cops personally. When insurance companies start refusing to pay out or cover these settlements and make the cops pay for their own actions this would drop quickly. Of course getting rid of asshole cops would help too. But it’s

I thought I may have jumped the gun rage tweeting this kid when the video first came out but now I wish I had raged more. Talk about white privilege and I have a right to do this self-entitled crap. He’s a result of that school and its teachings. And now his parents have gotten him a PR firm to clean up his image. He

The Germans have a word for this punk:”Backfeifengesicht”- A face in need of a fist. 

When Pornhub publishes their state by state porn use Utah is always on top. No pun intended.

How will it end? Amy and Penny pregnant, Amy and Sheldon win the Nobel, Raj gets married and gets what’s her name pregnant. Or they all die in a plane crash flying to India for Raj’s wedding.

You can’t fix stupid.

I’ve got twenty bucks that says that punks name is Chad, Brent or Lance.

Just be glad that POS didn’t have a gun. A threatened, armed scared white man is worse than a baby with a gun. Those 12 year olds are dangerous.

Keeping an eye an eye out for radicalization is the FBIs job and they’re pretty good at it. Our terrorists are middle aged white men. Giving them a platform just muddies the waters of reason. Let them scurry around and let the law handle them.

Ferrari? Who mentioned Ferrari? How many Ford F-40s have you seen around. You must live in LA or Dallas or Palm Beach. Get back into your tanning bed.

I’m guessing most of them were sold to the White House. I can picture Drumpf holding one between his knees and watching Fox.

I thought Big Auto had decided sedans were dead. Next year they’ll roll out electric SUVs and pickups.