
Hmmmmm, cold Big Macs. And why is President Douche Nozzle wearing an overcoat? Ready for a quick escape?

He loves smelling his own farts.

Who the fuck cares? A car you’ll never see on the road, a car that will be sold out to millionaires and celebrities who have first choice and will garage them like paintings. Can’t wait to see the first coffee with cars video of some rich dude spinning one into a guard rail.

Yeah, Franklin Roosevelt just fucked everything up when he applied Socialism in the 30's And National Socialism is the Nazis, Democratic Socialism is what we need to even things out after giving all our money to the rich who paid for the laws to protect them.

I hope they study fairies and gnomes too. Remember in Casino when DeNiro was denied a gambling license because of the crooked State Senator played by Tommy Smothers. That Commissioner was Harry Reid before he became a Senator. Just saying.

Five bucks says Miller washes that shit off and claims CBS CGI’d it.

“Fawning press” indeed. How about no more articles regarding this piece of shit until he’s sentenced? 

What a stupid fucking movie. Was this thing a tax dodge like Max Bialystock in The Producers? Are there some Asians or Middle east oil people taking huge deductions on losses next year? What’s next, Robin Hood on Mars?

Watching a Computerphile video on YouTube the mathematician doing it was saying brute force isn’t the preferred hack anymore but a dictionary attack was. Using a long phrase is good as long as you use rarely used words and throw a symbol in the middle somewhere.

How can Fox not have a clean sweep?

Most romaine is grown in southern Arizona and watered with “grey” water with some of the farms being downstream from cattle feed lots. But hey, the FDA is only interested with killing rules not enforcing them.

He should get “Fucking Idiot” tattooed backwards across his forehead so he can see it in the mirror every day. The same for the judge.

I lived at 9000 ft in Colorado for 30 years and I had Blizzak tires on my Focus. I could stop on ice on a hill with those tires. Every big snow/ice day there were 4 wheelers off the road because of their shitty drivers and or tires. Ties make all the difference. And I drove through 37 inches of fresh powder one early

Just overturn Nazareth’s win and call  a disqualification and let Daddy Ref live in infamy.

A true American treasure. I’ll watch anything with Kurt Russell.

Three stupid greedy assholes. Enjoy prison you douchebags.

Now that is something they need on The Walking Dead.

And that’s what he was stupid enough to say in public in front of a microphone. What kind of things was this asshat saying in his office or with his buddies?

Now playing

Every response to anything this fool says needs to be a John Goodman clip “Shut the Fuck Up Donnie”. Every time, all the time.

Was that car going way too fast into that corner? It seemed like it was shot out of a cannon.