
Maryland ran a great game plan until that two point to win. They’d been slapping OSU around all game and they should have tied and gone another round. But fuck Ohio anyways. Go Michigan.

Don’t throw it out. Return and get your money back. Stores will do this.

I would expect nothing less from a guy wearing Oakleys indoors and a bandana.

Greatest excuse for blowing it, ever!

I wonder how many different ways the server hears the word “gnocchi” pronounced? Does she correct them? I doubt it. If the writer is worried they should order it.

What would Patricia’s excuse have been when a highly paid player went down in the snow with a blown ACL or dislocated shoulder? I live in Detroit and would expect nothing less from the Lions than doing something stupid. Please Mrs. Ford, sell the team to Dan Gilbert.

QAnon people really are the bat-shit crazy, bull goose loonies, tin foil hat wearing nutbags. Good thing they’re mostly Trump people, which says a lot.

If the couple hadn’t gotten greedy and stiffed the bum they would have gotten away with it. Pretty smart scam actually.

It’s a business. She couldn’t buy a cup of coffee or a donut?

It comes pre-registered with plates too? Sweet.

Hairless Mole Rats are called hairless for a reason.

You gaming nerds either attack the cop or talk like this asshole is being treated unfairly. He did it dozens of times and then bragged about it. Suppose you saw a bunch of flashers late at night and stepped out on your porch with a remote in your hand. Would you be any less dead if a SWAT sniper killed you rather than

I wasn’t expecting that. Awesome!!

Nowhere in the article was a mention of a standardized charging plug. Without getting a standard set electric cars will be like early light bulbs. Every one was different and company specific. If all the companies got over themselves and established a standardized plug and a home charging unit run on a 220V system,

You want to estimate a Harleys popularity? Drive it down a college street full of restaurants with outdoor seating. You’ll see a traveling wave of pissed off and disgusted young people trash talking the noise. The e-bike might save them if they get the mileage doubled and find a way to let an owner plug it into a 220

I’ve worked in grocery most of my life and can tell you every turkey whether frozen or thawed has turkey “juice on the outside of the packaging”. So when you bring your turkey home and place it on the counter, you’ve contaminated it. Everything you touch with that juice on your hands is contaminated. Cross

Did I read right that you have to go to an HD dealer to use a level 2 charger? You can’t buy one? You can’t plug it into an outlet where you’re going to? What’s the point then. Out and backs never leaving home? If all that is true, what a stupid idea. When I can go somewhere and plug it into a 220 plug somewhere

That’s fucking awesome. I’d watch that before the last couple of Transformer movies. 

What “spoilers” are you referring to? Casting decisions and film clips aren’t spoilers. 

If Trump is going to be so “sensitive” I wish one reporter would ask Trump “if you want better coverage stop lying with every breath”. Call him a liar to his face. They have nothing to lose now.