
Corvette will crash and burn if they try charging 170K. When I can buy a new Porsche 911 GTS plus a new Subaru WRX plus a Ninja H2 bike for the same as a Corvette.

Maybe just once a reporter would ask Trump “If you want a friendlier press then stop lying with every breath” Call him a liar to his face. But we have to “respect” Trump right?

Those white trash redneck wanna-be warriors are all the same. Punch them in the face and they run. Stick a gun in their face and they cry on their knees and beg. Cowards all. Call them out with names and addresses and watch them complain about threats then.

I’ve never seen a “journalist” blow another man without touching him. Tass taught Sean well.

Was NBC secretly bought by Rupert Murdoch and we didn’t hear about it? Someone in upper management had his MAGA hat on and thought it would be a great idea to blow that dog whistle.

I haven’t watched for a couple of years and I haven’t missed a thing. WTF, Negan is still alive? Why for crying out loud? Kill that POS or feed him to the zombies or something. Maybe in the next episode Bob Newhart wakes up in bed and tells Suzanne Pleshette he just had the wildest dream.

Wow, just wow. That car is the backwards butt-shaved dog of cars. The proverbial mud fence of design. The hit with an ugly stick only it was a telephone pole of ugly.

Yeah, yeah, fastest time blah, blah, blah. After watching the 919's run every other video is boring.

I’ve been waiting for Trumps “Kent State” moment and when those migrants get to the border we might get it. A hot-headed Lieutenant ordering troops to open fire on unarmed civilians will make a riveting campaign ad.

I’m surprised his pants weren’t on backwards.

Lazy, entitled or stupid just about covers it. 

You can get away with anything as long as you put “Christian” in it somewhere. 

The flop sweat stink of desperation.

That statement is pretty long considering it just means white people bullshit.

You couldn’t close the border of one state with 5000 troops, let alone the entire border. But here’s an idea, let’s pull all of our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, hell, the entire Middle East and redeploy them to the Southern border. They’d still be in the desert but they wouldn’t be getting blown up or shot at. 

Thank you. I forgot to wipe my shoes that night. It won’t happen again.

You see a half-gallon of milk but I see a half gallon of White Russians.

A six -pack and a 5 meat pizza comes to mind.

It’s off to the CFL time, moron.

Are you sure that  wasn’t Rachel Dolezal in blackface?