
I’m guessing a Saudi Prince will move in shortly and start installing the gold toilets.

Netflix sounds more like North Korea than anything else. Maximum penalties unless you penalize first. Every one for themselves. Trump must love that corporate structure.

With any luck, Lack will be next.

Maybe you didn’t run it this year but the story with the muddy footprints and the “turn around, turn around” freaked me out the worst.

I hear Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones are hiring.

Of course they’re going on with the show. Saudi Arabia is an entire nation of Trumps. And they have gold toilets. Gold fucking toilets!

NFL scouts sound like those idiot baseball scouts in Moneyball. “He’s got an ugly girlfriend, no self-esteem”.

My heart soars like a hawk. She got shit-canned this morning.

But not found at Fox News headquarters, hmmmmm. I’m guessing the sender is an middle aged white guy angry about something and he’s going to do something about it. But if the Dems win in two weeks and keep Schumer as leader I’m done with them.

Why are these assholes always wearing black clothes and sunglasses? It’s like a freaking uniform for them. 

You’d have to some kind of jaded motherfucker to bitch about any blowjob. I dare you to find a guy who ever refused one because the partner is “lazy”.

I’ll go out on a limb and guess the sender is a middle aged white guy mad about something or other,

She should start and end every rally by burning one along with a Nazi flag.

The Buckeyes will henceforth be known as the “Rented Mules”.

What lounge will she be at? Noon shows half-price?

And the worst part is knowing they are being paid thousands of dollars per word for a 21 minute show doesn’t help. Hello re-runs.

BK should have used those black buns from a few years ago.

It’s not a freshly prepared dish you dingbat, it’s a soup that had to be ladled out and gone through with a serving spoon to remove the shrimp. I’d of charged you 10$ for the wasted kitchen time. Just eat it.

I’d sign it with my own name and get the fuck as far away as I can from relatives and charities. Switzerland anyone?

The Wings are following the Tigers management style of bringing a player up to his potential then doing a shitty trade for lesser players. You can get cheap seats before the game though.