
How many of the SF scooters are parked a hundred yards up one of those fucking hills? Scooters may be cute running around on the flats but they die quickly climbing a grade.

In 20 years we here in Michigan will be the Saudi Arabia of water. Nevada and Arizona can go suck it because we will rule you all! BwaaaHaaaHaaa. Rule you all!!!!

Is “Pando” the scientists pet name or did I miss the part where they say this is a really big grove of Aspen trees? This grove has been around for thousands of years in a very sparsely populated area outside of Moab. So, because the scientists haven’t seen any expansion in 5 whole years the “organism” is in danger.

I certainly wouldn’t go to a busy restaurant in the middle of a big dinner rush. The chefs might try to clean everything up for your meal but dinner rushes can get sloppy in the kitchen and there’s always a chance they missed a drop of peanut oil. 

Because her heritage thing was the only thing the GOP could try to attack her with. Those old white troglodytes that run the GOP were scared to death of Warren. If the DNC hadn’t been such cowards they might have had Warren or Sanders as the candidate last time instead of putting Clinton up with all her baggage. But

Holy shit, a Lambo ran 10 hours. In a row?

Maybe Pete shouldn’t have made that “When we break up” joke on SNL.

What does this button do?

Becky was an idiot and terribly wrong but now she’s ostracized and hated and a national fool. Maybe she’s mentally ill, maybe a racist dumbass, but now she’s a non-person in NYC. How much piling on is enough? And can the cops block a phone number for a serial 911 caller?

If you walk in and say “give me a beer” and the bartender gives you a draft PBR it’s on you. Drink it, shut up and order what you should have ordered in the first place.

I was going to get snarky about Miller but those “Good Dogs, who’s a good dog” took it out of me. I have to go find a dog to pet right now.

You didn’t mention “Yessa Massah” West stole the idea from a grad student in Detroit when he was here last week standing on a school desk while yelling “Leave Kavanaugh the fuck alone”. Please stop covering anything regarding that asshole.

That POS Flake probably got a call from one of the partners at his future law firm telling him no vote no partnership. What a freaking snake.

I left for the Detroit airport 3 hour early. It usually took a half hour to get there. But construction, a traffic accident made me only have 90 minutes. I got into the TSA snake line for 45 minutes where the TSA agent told me my flight was at the international terminal next door. Ran out and looked for the shuttle

Stupid fucking white people love Trump because they equate money with intelligence. He’s got it so he must be smarter than me. But about Kanye, two half-asses make one ass whole.

When Trump gets indicted and Little Donnie is led away in cuffs, the next day we attack Iran. The Dumbass Don is prepping.

Warren 2020. She has more balls than the entire male Democratic leadership. Keep kicking them in the balls Liz!

That driver is getting all of my business. 

I could only stomach a few minutes of this but they reminded me of one of those videos where babies are speaking to each other in their own made-up language. But hey, Kanyes a genius, right? One with a big brain like Trumps.

You had me at “encase anyone was curious”.