
I could only stomach 3 minutes of it but it reminded of those videos where babies are talking back and forth with their own made up language. 

The parking lots around Greektown Casino were 5 bucks during the day and if you’re driving in from the northeast suburbs close to Jefferson Ave. take Jefferson all the way to the Renaissance Center. You drive through some shitty neighborhoods but they’re mostly deserted and you come out in Downtown. 

Rally just isn’t the proper word for this. Hillbilly Nuremberg would be better.

Let me guess. All the complainants are old white men who miss the swimsuit competition. Any takers?

Carry a gun?

I’d bet Meghan is going full on “Samantha who” right now. 

We’re screwed then. No way would “The World” change in 10 years. Mother Earth will have her vengeance. We are the virus and she has the cure.

Look at all the free publicity Dana is getting right now to see his motivation. But yeah, you talk shit to a Dagestani about his religion you’re lucky to still be alive.

All those responses have to assume a robot has consciousness with their AI. Any robot in the foreseeable future is just a machine doing what we tell it to do. The “Three Rules’ are a fiction with no reality.

It would make a great Root article if some computer brain on your staff could find out how many fired cops end up on another department. Or how many times they’ve been let go and then rehired.

I went on a date set up by a friend of hers who knew us both. In the middle of what I thought was a nice dinner she pulled out her phone and called her therapist who then wanted to talk to me and get a feeling about me. Good night!

Do these guys get checked out for steroid abuse? He won the match and just got even more pissed. 

Will he have a man-bun too?

Why are the employees mad? The guy is an EXECUTIVE! He’s probably one of Kavanaughs Delta Kappa Epsilon brothers. He’s one of the rich men who power the GOP. He’s a true believer who knows he got away with the same shit Kavanaugh did in school and sees a kindred spirit. Don’t get mad, get out the vote. If young people

DHS is issuing denials because Intel and American motherboard makers have been doing the same thing for years. But don’t ask the NSA.

The Dems never had a chance to stop Kavanaugh with the GOP in control. An FBI probe was their only card and they played it. Blaming the Dems is bull shit but they fought the good fight. All we can do now is get out the vote for November and kill the GOP.

All good points but I’d add if you have the room just let off the gas and no brakes to slow down. Good tires, slow down, clean windows (roof), careful braking.

Toilet paper was designed to stick to shit. So kudos Kimberly Clark.

When I was running a lot out in Colorado on the steeps the 180 spm worked but only when you adjusted the length of your stride. On the steep I could run that pace but my stride was a foots length. Felt silly like I was tippy toeing up but it worked.

Preview of the last episode: Penny, Amy and Raj’s soon to be wife all announce they are all pregnant in a wacky way but with all three husbands geeking out in a hilarious way. Spock dolls (action figures) for everyone.