
I never followed their personal lives but I understand your view. But Trump is still a piece of white trash.

First off, why was HE addressing a talk on Women in Physics? What bone head invited him to address a women’s conference? Start with that person. Start getting women to make these choices instead of (I’d bet) a bunch of old white men.

I’m beginning to think that Chuck Koch or Mercer or Putin must have the dirt on the GOP Senators on that committee. Something incriminating. I can’t see why those men are willing to cut their parties throat for that guy.

It’s just us ‘Muricans short sightedness and greed. Big Auto for seeing the dollars and guys having trucks being the only thing to get a hard on for that has wheels. But sure as shooting something will happen way out East and gas will go way up again and there will be overflowing used car lots full of 80K$ leather

Maybe a retired black sport god has the equivalency of a middle aged white guy from Harvard. If the white guy can be a Supreme or President then Kobe will be allowed. Vote the pigs out.

You can bet the Chinese did it because they spy smarter not harder. Apple wanted cheap with risk instead of more expensive with little risk. The Chinese aren’t stupid. We’re dumb greedy Americans willing to cut our own throats for an extra nickel. But I can’t believe the NSA hasn’t approached Intel with the same

To paraphrase the Beastie Boys: “We have to fight, for the right, to be rapey sexist assholes because that’s what men do”.

Are there any male servers whose pants are “too tight”?

Lindsay has boat payments to make and he’s already cashed the bribe checks from Koch Industries. Besides, he heard the AGs spot might open up soon.

Has you gone to a different doctor for that 365 day erection?

If by “good” you mean Trump has coalesced all the stupidest most racist Americans into one group, then yes, Trump is good. We had to guess who the stupidest and most racist people were before but now all I need to see is a MAGA hat. Any other definition of good doesn’t apply.

You can take the girl out of Fox News but you can’t take the Fox News out of the girl. 

Since the Revolution 25% of white America has been stupid, uninformed racist fools. It’s still the case with this woman and Trump as perfect examples. It will be our fault, black and white if we don’t vote in November and send these racist, sexist morons back to their holes. 

Lindsay and Steven Segal need to hook up if she’ still in Moscow. A match made in heaven.

Next be hacked will a few of the “password manager” apps because people think it’s just so un-cool to write down a password. 300 million passwords later.

If that had been a woman nominee the GOP would have chastised her for being too emotional to be a Supreme. But Brett-Bro gets up there and starts sniveling and crying like a little bitch and the GOP supports his self privileged BS. Remember this on November 6th when we have the chance to put a stake through the

If a female nominee to the Court had acted like Kavanaugh she would have been labeled as too emotional to serve. But a privileged master of the universe can snivel and cry like a little bitch and be praised for his toughness. Truth and Reconciliation meets on November 7th.

Kilmeade is angling for a job at the White House. Maybe a replacement for Amarosa. 

See above.

Fuck movies. Watch Breaking Bad.