
Marilu Henner from “Taxi” has this. She says she can also recall all of her emotions as they happened each day. The feeling of loss, happiness, dread, etc. Truly a mixed blessing.

Next Trump will try suing me for pretending I can smell the steaming pile of shit that is his administration because he only smells roses.

Did she not know who he was before the relationship? His career has been tit and fart jokes and cheap sexism. You know that thing you walk in and out of every day? It’s called a door. Why didn’t she just leave? She wasn’t married to the guy.

It took them three years to consider maybe it was foxes?  I had an outdoor cat who would kill mice and leave the feet, heads and a pile of guts in a row on top of the stairs for me when I came home. If a cat is that smart a fox certainly is. And where was Sherlock Holmes anyways? He would have gotten it right away.

I hope the good Dr. Snyder is oeganizing a national test like this . I for one would be interested here in Southeast Michigan to know what’s around and going in me.

Malfunction? Holding it upside down maybe. Still funny though.

You could have congratulated her on a job well done and not been sarcastic at all. But snarks will snark.

What a bunch of snarky assholes. Have you ever gone that fast, ever, in anything, let alone on a bike. Every bike speed record has been set with a vehicle in front cutting the wind. No human could go from a dead stop to anywhere near that speed without a windbreak. That final gearing allowed for 130 feet every

You’d better get on it then.

Outstanding, balls of steel. But doesn’t a record involve two runs within a certain amount of time. I always thought that two run rule was a crock because if you did the speed you did the speed.

Ask the Q. They know all. It’s an underground alien breeding facility run by Hillary, Obama and Putin. The FBI used the raid as cover to move the aliens to the bunker under the Pentagon. We’re doomed, doomed I say. But the suns not going anywhere, so get back to work.

Meyer is worth 18 million and makes 4.6 million a year. He could shoot someone at noon in downtown Columbus and walk away laughing as long as OU keeps winning. Where have I heard that before? Fuck him.

I’m surprised the coach didn’t say “He had one fucking job, and fucked it up three times”. 

Now that is how you establish some cred in prison.

Next it will be how Robert E. Lee triumphed over “some Yankee lawyer from Illinois” and Texas women do what god tells them to. It’s writ down in the book.

If a defensive player is going to flip off the rules so blatantly he should get a multiple game suspension. That hit was bullshit.

Are we allowed to block him?

Miranda is inspired casting. I didn’t recognize him.

If I believed in God I might think that intolerant, race baiting, homophobic parts of the country might keep getting hit by his righteous fury. 

Maybe that ump should go back to calling town park softball games.