
America is not the Netherlands. I know, hard to believe. We don’t want to chat it up. We want to GET OUT. Guarantee almost all of us have by now perfected the “chat exit” when we stumble on talkative clerks. Wrap it up fast, start walking away as you say the last few words, glance at all the people behind you so they

If you don’t have a 220 line behind your existing gas stove - and why would you? - you’ll need to get that installed. Won’t be cheap. If they don’t take away your old stove, you’ll need to get rid of that in accordance with local code. Fun. You’d think the progressives would care about all these gas stoves that are

What in the world are you washing OUT of those bags? Sludge, slime, goo and ooze? When I could get plastic bags at the store, I’d save them and use them again for, well, you know, everything. No clue why they call them “single use” when everyone uses them again. Garbage, dog crap, quick wrap to store things like

It’s a deeper, more nuanced conversation on the impermanence of youth in feminized bodies, the gendered politics of attraction, the utter erasure and desexualization of women over 35...” and it goes on and on and on...

Yeah, I don’t buy edibles for the flavor or for snack time - holy shit, no. It’s fine if people want it in beef jerky but as pointed out, it’s a nibble and I’m done. So why get something that is more “food-like” when I can take a tiny bite out of a gummie and that’s more than enough. I know plenty of people eat high

Good to hear about Minx - it’s fabulous. As for Snowpiercer - eh and bleh. I really struggled to give a shit about any of it but I had already invested time and if I fast forwarded through some of the crap, I figured I could finish it, knowing it was the last season, I’d stick it out for the ending. I guess if it ends

Completely accurate. No Niles = no interest.

It’s nice you’re concerned with people’s carpets but not concerned about directing them to potentially scald themselves by pouring boiling water into their gutters or on weeds.

This is just SUCH a stupid topic to get into but here we are. Thankfully it will be out of the news in another day or two. BAN IT! BAN EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING because that will solve all our problems. BAN! Uh-huh.

Uh... I guess there are people who don’t know this. Flat Earthers, maybe. 

Ghosts is the only current comedy I record and watch. Everything else blows. So I was pleased to hear about this - I’m nearly always right about what will work and what will fail when it comes to new programs. This will be here a while. It’s a damn good idea to reboot it. We need a few laughs these days. Nitpicky

Never needed anything but WD40. 

Fortunately, most assholes who forget to dim their brights will, in fact, respond to a signal flash. Intentionally blinding them in retaliation makes YOU the asshole. And if you’re an asshole, you’re not reading this and you wouldn’t care anyway. Because you’re an asshole.

Not that several of these aren’t going to be tasty but... even a pudgy guy like me knows to limit the extra salt and fat when possible.

Shockingly, a great idea posted on Lifehacker. Wonders never cease. Cranberry sounds terrific. For those with kids, or those who just want something outrageously weird, you can add some unsweetened Kool Aid packets to frosting, too. Tart and tangy and yes, can be a bit overboard for some but I’ve had fun with it.

Exactly how long are people able to keep ice for it to absorb freezer smells? You’re hanging onto ice for a week or two? Several days? Did you know - and hear me out now - that ice is free and you can make it with very effort? It’s ready in a few hours but, you know, maybe you’ll need to plan ahead to get a fresh

Well, at least it’s still OK for me to cook nude. I mean, I rarely scratch certain parts.

Oh, God. Look, this show is stupid crap, as stated. People who might actually buy into alien theories aren’t secret or overt racists - they’re just idiots. A real stretch here, Beth. Kind of disappointed. You typically post the most straightforward and helpful stuff here. This is... well, it’s ridiculous.

Here we go with the liberal insanity of the month. And keep in mind: I’m a liberal, just not a whacko one. How’s this going to work, exactly? Yank out all existing gas stoves? Force everyone to install a 220 line in their home for electric? Landlords will raise rent sky high if they have to do that. Then force people

I’m inclined to say “great!”, let them keep making the same mistakes that will take them out in ‘24. Just have to hope they keep doing it over and over the closer we get to the next election, because plenty of people do not pay attention at all to what they are doing or forget quickly. Still think ENOUGH people won’t