
Embrace the liver on wheels look. Get a respray in maroon.

An R129 SL500 looks so much nicer than these. A TT, Crossfire, E320, Allante, Sebring and even a Solara are preferable to this liver on wheels. The old SC400 was far an away a better design

Friend has an E46 of this vintage.  First thing we did was replace every vacuum hose on the top end and the intake manifold gasket.  The only real issues these have is all the little plastic hoses or connectors cracking causing weird vacuum leaks that are hard to hunt down.  Seems like the maintenance has been kept up


The chrome door strips, wheels, and tail lights tell me everything I need to know about this car. 

If you’ve ever owned a treadmill, you know how heavy, unwieldy and space-hogging it is for a machine that typically ends up rarely used. The glimpse of the mechanism behind the seats reminded me of a piece of exercise equipment, taking up real estate for its all-too-infrequent use. This must have been really cool to

This guy would be lucky to get 17K for this.....Frankenvolvo!  If you’re going to go through all this trouble, the car should make people think: “Yeah, why didn’t Volvo do this?”  Instead, it makes people think, “Dude, why did you do this?”

Too customized to be valued as even a restomod, and not restomoddy enough to be a restomod. An original P1800 this clean might get to money, but the seller is delusional if they think they’re getting 34K for this inbetweener, especially with no A/C. I don’t hate the build but CP pricing. 

“arguably Subaru’s most eclectic car”

I dunno, it’s kind of a Star Wars rebel aesthetic–the grubby, dinged-up spaceship. For the money I could live with it, as long as the rust isn’t too bad.

$27k for this though???

Personally, I would never buy this at any price. This isn’t a car worth revisiting imo. Though I could possibly see it’s value as a background car for movies.

It could be NP or ND depending on your wants. If you just want to do fast sports car stuff, a stock or lightly modified Viper is still fast and would be much cheaper, so ND in that case. On the other hand if 500hp bores you and you have been itching for a comma in your horsepower number, by the time you buy just about

On one hand, extensive receipts and a clean interior—well done.

This is the first one of these in awhile that hasn’t been “here’s a 20 year old maintenance nightmare for a down payment on a house.”  And it’s peak-brick, too. Lack of a turbo is sad, but for the price? Yeah, I’d take it. If it was near me I’d be tempted to buy it as a winter beater.

“Hey Bob, you left the lights on in your spaceship!”

With so many overpriced, overproduced, late-stage boomer cars out there this is actually a damn interesting and unique car and seems to be a cool choice and value compared to all the standard fare. NP.

ND solely on the red gauges alone, and a Florida Porsche “poseurized” with stupid wheels and an “S” designation it doesn’t deserve makes me want to walk away.  

You took the words out of my mouth when you wrote “no way, just for the fake S alone”.

It’s both trying too hard and not enough. SUPER SHINY SEATS? Check. Couldn’t be bothered to vacuum the interior, or at least throw out the garbage behind the passenger seat? Nope! I feel like cocaine might have been involved at some point.