
If you are a man (or woman) of modest means who needs transportation, and lives in an area where all wheel drive gets you through the winter, why not?

I honestly have no idea what constitutes a good price on a used car in 2023, apparently. I immediately saw 148K on a Dodge and went ‘oh, hell no.’ Then I looked up what similar ones are selling for. NP for the market, but ND for me.

you’ll probably never pass anything on the road-- #slow car fast.

This. Minis are fun, but a reliability hornet’s nest, buyer beware. And the roof line on this one just looks.. weird. Like someone put it in the crusher, had second thoughts, and took it back out.

These are in the running for the ugliest cars ever. Right behind the murano cross cabriolet.

For the very small market segment that needs a solid platform for their dream project, a sleeper Zephyr Z-7, NP. For the rest of us, ND.

That was such a great scene to end the season. If Walt and Jesse didn’t know what they had gotten themselves into after all the bad shit they had already gone through, they sure as hell knew after seeing Tuco go full psycho on that poor sap.

But in the end you’re still driving a Corolla.

The least loved Ferrari is still a Ferarri, and will still turn more country club heads than a similarly priced Porsche cabrio. NP

Gorgeous Fiat!

No no, Rob...the car was built on a Pinto platform and it sucked.  That’s why people don’t like them...it IS the car.  It may have been successful back then, but that doesn’t mean it was a good car...and the styling sucked ass too.

This one is testing my resolve. I have a trailer, it’s only about an hour away from me, and we’re coming up on a three day weekend.

I mean it’s a nice replica but with only 4-cyl and that price it’s a big ND for me. If it at least had a straight 6 in there it might a bit better and a drop in a price but still it’s a huge stretch. Nice looking car still.

I’m okay with it. Leave the subwoofer by the curb in the evening and it won’t last the night. Some more “fitting” wheels and tires can be swapped. I won’t buy it but there is a market for the look. It will sell for close to asking.

Well...certainly not if I buy it.

I’ve never understood these things. It’s like taking the best parts of a motorcycle and a convertible... and building something with what’s left over. Or... how to have some of the fun of a motorcycle and some of the usefulness of a convertible with the bonus of looking like a dork when driving it. 

Oh man, when I was a kid my best friend’s mom bought one of these brand new, right after getting divorced. It wasn’t a Blue Max, but I will always associate Mercury Cougars of this generation with my childhood friend’s mercurial cougar of a mother - a hot, newly single real estate agent (obviously) on the prowl. Lots

Sadly, $5k is the new $2k. reluctant NP

Its because hipsters tend to migrate towards weird, quirky, euro vehicles and this clicks all those buttons

Let’s all take a moment to applaud the seller for the vacuum job in the back. In a world where most listings barely get the car in frame, or are filled McD’s litter, the fact this guy posed his car in a fancy neighbourhood with vacuum lines in the cargo area must be appreciated.