
But it does beg a few questions…

Mazda should be applauded for making an engine cover that’s easier to move out of the way. Sadly modern engine with plastic manifolds and cam covers and miles of wiring have become ugly messes best covered up.

Do I dare say this is the least offensive Zimmer ever created?

Waste of an LS4 swap.

We have found this particular Don Johnson’s vice.

ND... for that money, I’d rather have a stock Fiero in good condition... like this one:

I know the later Country Squires had a power rear window.  Did these have that?  It was such a cool feature that I didn’t see again until the 4runner.

Good lord I’d forgotten just how long the hood was on these things. You could use that as a helipad.

Stroked 460 or the 7.3 Godzilla V8, this demands lots of low end torque

Luckily it’s big enough to actually become your new home!

I don’t know whether this is heart over head or not, but my first instinct is to leap up, pound the table, and scream:

This smells strongly like a mechanic’s lien vehicle - the seller was originally contracted to restore the car, but then the original owner lost interest, ran out of money or died - and the shop is trying to recoup the money they have outlaid.

I’m not voting on this one

Anything with a subwoofer is auto ND for me. Means it’s been hooned by a young male.

These are fabulous Interstate flyers. And a lot cheaper than a Cessna, while approaching the same speeds. Cheaper to maintain too. If it’s solid, and you need to knock out a lot of miles, Nice Price.

The falling apart shed in the yard along with all of the other crap, the messy jerry rigged looking wiring under the hood, the use of the old cast iron manifolds versus steel headers and the stupid angry eyes tells me this thing was slapped together over a drunken weekend. I wouldn’t trust this thing to make it back

I rarely go with this tired old phrase, but kill it with fire. 

I didn’t care for these or the Maverick much when I was younger, as I was into Mustangs, and thought these were little more than cheap imitations. But now, older and (somewhat) wiser, looking at this, in this wonderfully retro color, and the condition and simplicity of it all, I kinda dig it.

I think thats a very reasonable price for a vehicle of that vintage. Find me a nicer one at a better price. 

Hysterical that an Infiniti dealer is pulling such tricks, because who wants an Infiniti?