It’s unclear how Donald Trump will respond to the torturing death of an American citizen at the hands of an autocratic and brutal regime
It’s unclear how Donald Trump will respond to the torturing death of an American citizen at the hands of an autocratic and brutal regime
“...told the NYT that he everyone seemed more mature and “had kind of a professional attitude” as they stepped onto the riverboat...”
Best comment: “Mueller’s team includes people who successfully prosecuted mafia gangsters.
I, for one, am not the least bit scared of getting rid of an international threat who happens to be our president. I’m not down with the concern-trolling and learned helplessness.
This should be fun. When under pressure, Trump always keeps a level head and makes smart, well thought out decisions that he has discussed with several other equally calm and thoughtful individuals. So I guess it will either be fun, or something the crazy people who live in bunkers and survive can point back to as…
is jezebel going to review claws? if you already have, i’m sorry. i just watched my first episode and would love for there to be more talk generated about the show
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Um, I’m going to call bullshit on much of Debra Messing’s “allergies”.
I have been to Siesta Beach; I do not believe this man when he says he has found a better beach. Impossible. Can’t be done.
Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?
I’ve been making it a point to read and find out more of each of the victims as they are named. I was reading through Martyn Hett’s twitter, a young man who tragically was lost, and he gave me an unexpected laugh this morning:
It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.
I’m listening to the song right now and I gotta say - This is good pop music.
I’m living on mostly rice, these days, but still subscribe to the New Yorker.
New Yorker just came in the mail.
Let she who has NOT hidden in the drapes to avoid the sweaty advances of an inveterate pussy-grabber cast the first stone. Amirite, ladies?
If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..
Trey Fucking Gowdy? Jesus fuck.