
I’ve had a crush on Chris Cornell since I was 12.

[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]


Man, Taylor really has a type, and that type is “bland looking white guy.”

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

This is so fucking disgusting. I don’t know what I want more, for Trump to actually get locked up for his blatant crimes or for him to rage stroke out and end the suspense.

i can’t express why, but this picture makes me want to cry. i love how he’s looking at her like she’s the best (she is).

It is! I HATE that latex dress everyone else seems to love so much (said it once, I’ll say it again: it looks like a shapeless garbage bag made of melted Twizzlers) but that pink dress is absolutely stunning.

I’ve been doing it for months. I don’t understand why Cooper just started.

If you ever try to dig for clams with your bare hands (which I have done), you can actually feel them pull away from you and try to escape deeper into the sand. It’s kinda amazing since you usually don’t think of clams as particularly mobile.

I’m going to hell because I can’t stop laughing.

How can a venue be called “Rough Trade” and not be a leather bar?

we’ve all fallen for him, but where were we when he fell for us?

1. The coffin lid was open

I love Wanda so much.

This song has grown on me. It’s such an old school type ballad. I love it now.

That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.

Reading this description of purchase heaven enabled by disposable income my only advice is: ladies, don’t get married and (most importantly) don’t procreate. For ost women that’s when such consumerist fun flies out the window.