
Right, but adding gender and race means it’s harder to fight the ticket. Because there are lawyers who make a living just on fighting tickets like this.

And this is 100% why you field test things before you release them to your audience, and you make sure your testers aren’t a monoculture.

Which has honestly always been the case with enthusiasts. Enthusiasts have always gravitated to older used stuff because it costs less.

Mechanical shifting has made amazing strides in the last few years. That said, I’d be happy to swap out the mechanical shifters on my MTB with wireless- the difference between wireless shifting on an MTB and mechanical is like the difference between hydraulic brakes and mechanical- there’s just so much less effort in

It’s absolutely hillarious that Shimano’s semi-wired system is the one that’s vulnerable and SRAM’s completely wireless system is fine.

That dry heat will fool you though- like, if it’s 89 and humid in wisconsin, we are all inside because it’s fucking miserable, even being out on a lake sucks.

OK, hold it on this one. I’m actually quite invested in this one as my kiddo is getting their driver’s license. And surprisingly enough, they get taught a LOT, and the skills they require are 100% appropriate. To the point that she will now point out when I roll a stop sign, change lanes without signalling and any

Except that lower speeds are safer because lower speeds are safer. If public safety enters the picture, the speed limit needs to drop precipitously pretty much everywhere. Like, until we stop allowing trucks to be pedestrian plows, the speed limit anywhere someone might have to cross the street needs to drop to about

That’s because none of the other amtrak routes go anywhere useful.

The new Chicago/Milwaukee-Minneapolis route is apparently in the black after just a few months of service, because that’s a route that people have been clamoring for for years. It’s $41 each way which is cheaper than the gas it would take for the same

Jesus christ can we just put one of these on the freeway median of i-65 between Chicago and Indianapolis? or between Chicago and Denver on I-80?

The comic “Cerebus” had the greatest explanation or rich people ever- “Rich people are rich people first and whatever else they are second.”

Musk is a rich person, and he’s a rich person first, and a CEO, republican, whatever second. He’s sucking up to Trump because Trump is better for rich people. Trump makes huge tax

To be fair: I can’t think of a way to describe this thing that doesn’t end up sounding like a nuclear weapon.

This is a huge problem for people trying to build neighborhoods- Back during the boom in “new urbanism” AKA “let’s build neighborhoods like we used to, where the streets are narrow and the parking is in the back via an alley and the yards are smaller and have big front porches”- and developers kept designing them

Now playing

Or, if you’re gonna do all matte black, do it right and paint it with vantablack, the black paint that absorbs all light and makes things look... WEIRD.

Thank god we might get another vehicle with capabilities that (checks statistics) a statistically negligible group of people actually use.

I’m a single car household so I still need one vehicle that can do absolutely everything, and part of that everything is multiple 450 mile drives a month across states with lousy infrastructure in general and lousy charging.

There’s a reason that for most corporations, the CEO is basically a faceless automaton in a suit. There’s a reason why most corporations take stands that are already focus group tested to not offend their audience.

it’s the “I was totally going to buy a new corvette until I found out it comes with firestone tires, so I bought a charger instead” of politics. You were never gonna buy the corvette pal...

Fun fact: you don’t need a politician who understands the nuts and bolts of your industry. What you need is a politician who’s willing to say “You’re right, I don’t know, what do the experts in that industry say?” And then listen to the experts.

Oh you 100% cannot trust AI to write well. It’s a great tool for editing or shifting tone but you’re still going to need to go through it and make it sound like it came from a human.