
Our writer, who was overloaded.

And the thing is, it can’t replace our writer. It’s great for stuff we don’t want to bother a writer with, but it doesn’t replace them even a little.

AI seems like a decent productivity enhancer- like, “please make this email more concise and direct” or “rewrite this copy to an 8th grade reading level”- and as such it’s pretty useful if you work in marketing. Ditto with asking photoshop to extend a photo rather than spending an hour or so doing it yourself.

Got a RENTAL Prius and it was absolutely terrible- it was noisy, uncomfortable, smelled bad, the seats were designed for... I don’t even know who those seats were supposed to work for but I pity them and the challenges they must face. The car was hard to drive, the handling was somehow both floaty and rough. It was

Finally, someone gets it.

I’m surprised more people with public facing service jobs don’t snap. People are the worst.

I had a Klein that maxed out on 25s. Because that’s what every super stiff aluminum frame needs, tiny tires. I recently built up an old school road bike with a pair of 21s and I will say, it FEELS fast. I mean, it’s not because I’m not but those rock hard tires definitely make you feel like you are flying. Also, if

Or as subaru/toyota found with the BRZ/whatever, if you spec hard eco friendly tires on a RWD sportscar, you get sooooo much more drama- apparently when spec’d with the tires off a prius, the BRZ is all skids and drifts all the time.

15 years ago in cycling, the only tires you would be caught dead with on a road bike were 23mm, pumped up to 120+PSI. This was just how it was done. And people would argue ad nauseam that the 23s were faster and handled better and anyway they have to be better because that’s what the pros ride and the pros only ride

I loved how the Bugatti Veyron had a special key you needed to insert to literally unlock the full performance.

‘splain your need. You need 500hp in city traffic why? You need 500hp on the freeway why?

It’s the same as the “I should be able to own a tactical nuke for home defense because freedom” argument.

Because despite what you’ve absorbed from years of Top Gear, unless you have your own private racetrack where you can actually use a 600hp car, driving with that many hp sucks. HP is like hops in beer- it doesn’t make a better product unless the people who are adding it know exactly what they’re doing, and more often

Best editing but definitely not best continuity.

It’s a green mustang that does nothing to advance the plot. It’s just the car that Bullitt drives. It is in no way special or deserving of special bullitt edition models or anything else. It is hyped way beyond it’s actual value to the film itself.

Honestly, I’m OK with it.

First, you need to invest in ways to get people around that don’t require driving a single car. If you intentionally double gas prices overnight you’d have a revolution a week later. But if you wean people off cars, get them to see the benefits of not driving, incentivize businesses to encourage work from home where

EVs are great, but if you just use them to replace ICE vehicles 1:1, it’s not going to do much.

So, I know this is a car site and all but, Who the fuck needs a car with 500 hp? Why is something like this available from the factory, for sale to normal idiots who have enough money to buy one but nothing else that says they’re capable of handling a car with this much power?