
to be fair, the delorean did have style... I mean it’s pretty much ALL it had but yeah, I’d give them that one.

The Mustang from Bullitt. The movie is awful* but the iconic car chase is just... bad. It’s like the much-mocked fight scene in “They Live” in that it goes on WAY too long. And in the end, it’s really just wedged, does little to advance the plot, it’s clearly there because the star wanted it.

*Yes, I’ve seen it. I

I note that that’s the only thing you found fault with though.

Love my hitch rack but as you say, not so great for canoes.

OK, now try carrying 2 canoes on those wee little things. Or mounting the hardware that works on your roundbar rack. The built in racks are less than ideal for anything more than small loads. Love my outback but these racks are not great.

The hoosier state. Indiana.

Except for the rack. I cannot overstate how much of a pain in the ass that rack is if you canoe or kayak or try to carry more than a paddleboard on the roof of your outback. That rack is what stands between me and another outback- I will gladly buy another Subaru but it will be a forester.

The downside with the Outback is the rack- if you are an outdoorsy type who has an entire ecosystem of Yakima or Thule accessories that go on your round bar rack that clips onto the roof rails of your Forester, they aren’t going to transfer to the Outback and you’re going to end up spending a mint replacing them. Ask

Soooo... make the engine smaller. Make it less fast. Focus on making the whole package smaller and more nimble. Give up the 2.7 second 0-60. I would bet that the overall size has a lot more to do with supporting a 500hp car than it does with regulations. You can’t have it all. 

But why limit a system to only be as good as a human with human senses? Human senses are far from the best senses on the planet. And on top of that, you don’t need to train a system to recognize every single thing, because that’s not even how our meat brains work- I don’t need my car to recognize a semi that’s fallen

And the world responds with a collective “meh.”

I’ll say this for the Kappas- they’re pretty and I bet for normal people doing normal driving I bet they’re an absolute blast. and by normal people I mean people like myself who have zero desire to ever do a track day and mostly just commute to work but occasionally drive up north to go camping or whatever.

I wanna see this in actual daylight rather than a studio because usually this paint looks like mud without carefully directed lighting.

Can we change this to the more needed “Which freeway do you wish was a high-speed rail line?” Because we don’t need to replace every car 1:1 with an electric, we need to make it so we don’t have to use cars for everything.

When you have nearly as many tourists as citizens that’s gonna be a problem though.

I live in an older neighborhood- tons of nice little ranch houses built in the 50s- and my older neighbors have fought the city tooth and nail to keep our street from getting sidewalks because... reasons.

Anything that’s not a Mazda Miata because everything else has totally missed the mark.

So what this says is Musk is now bored with Tesla. He’s tried to spice things up, but really, the daily grind of running a car company that actually has to behave like a car company and do car company stuff like refresh old models, advertise, have quality control and message discipline is HARD. It was so much more fun

In a way it’s kinda satisfying to see boomers being forced to live in the world they made- they’re the generation that worshiped cars and saw cars as freedom, and they legislated a world where that is reality. Boomers cut spending on public transit, cut spending on infrastructure, cut spending on schools (which leads

100%. Around here, you can still get a crazy price for a used Element with 200,000+ miles on the odometer. But only bring it back if you can keep the size roughly the same- it’s small size was it’s best feature.