
The last of the GM melty plastic-mobiles. The last of the cheddar melt pontiacs, raclette oldsmobiles, the luminas, all the plastic bodied cars will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.

Unpopular opinion, but shitty bike infrastructure is just an excuse for being ok with hitting cyclists. “Oh, but we painted a couple lines on the road so it’s your fault if you get hit if you’re riding where those lines don’t exist.”

That the opinions of enthusiasts do not matter even a little.

That’s a whole lot of money just so you can get trolled by people saying “nice wrap.”

I’ve been watching the number of solar farms around my city grow steadily over the years. The Rural Folk got themselves all riled up by our former governor, but he’s gone now and I get the feeling a lot of these folks are realizing that it’s a lot easier and more profitable to lease a small chunk of land to a

Yes yes, men are totally persecuted and it’s awful how little we cater to their needs.

I’m saying that many times, the jobs where men excel over women are often jobs for which women have been excluded. And when it turns out that women excel at these jobs, men get butt hurt and bring up the familiar, what about

You could have a study that says definitively, “Men turn into werewolves after spending more than 27 hours in space, while women are completely immune to this effect” and the engineers in the space program would immediately try and figure out how to make sure space missions only take 26 hours rather than just crew

Yup. But you can’t break someone out of that mindset and so you have to see them where they think they are, which is the most persecuted, put-upon, politically devalued and targeted by the deep state group of people who ever walked the earth. I’m sure they think that the civil rights movement was a cake walk compared

So reading between the lines, this is how we get the new Grande Panda in the US? Cool.

And rather than accepting this as an answer and going with the cost effective answer of “Ok, cool, let’s prioritize training women for space, men clearly don’t belong up there” we are gonna spend billions trying to figure out how to make space easier for men and keep sending more men into space than women.

and there is NO ONE ON EARTH better at playing the victim than boomers. Old white christian boomers are the single most persecuted people on earth- just ask them. This is where they think they are.

100% agree. But that’s the mindset and it doesn’t matter if the guy who has that mindset is driving an $80k bro truck, in his mind he’s the poor put upon and forgotten citizen.

Taxes and Tax incentives are how governments work though- we tax stuff we want people not to do. Thus, the price of a pack of cigarettes is mostly tax. We incentivize people do do stuff we want to do. Thus, mortgages come with huge tax breaks- we don’t want folks smoking, we do want them buying houses.And this mostly

I get why everyone wanted to skip hybrids. Hybrids are more complicated and transitional. More complicated means harder to build and transitional means all the infrastructure needed to build them is gonna be obsolete sooner than later.

I totally get wanting to just skip the transitional stage and just suck it up and

I don’t know if this is still common practice but I know there are orgs out there that take RFPs and immediately toss the highest priced proposals AND the lowest priced proposals.

You are assuming the folks who vote for him don’t know this. They want other people to hurt like they hurt. They’re perfectly happy with burning the whole fucking thing to the ground because their shit burnt up long ago and they’ve been standing out in the cold watching everyone else not give a shit about them.

When you’ve been shat on for decades and your choices are, a guy who’s gonna be business as usual and a guy who’s gonna shit allover everyone and maybe make the folks who’ve been shiting on you get a taste of what it’s like, the choice isn’t that crazy. And you know he’s not going to make anything better for you but

This is the stuff I was thinking but couldn’t articulate. Thanks.

Someday Jack Welch and the other purveyors of the “shareholder value uber alles” business mentality are gonna be recognized as the people who broke the American dream.

Tesla is suffering from the delusion that because they led the market for a long time, they will always lead the market. Because they didn’t need advertising for a long time, they will never need advertising, that because they didn’t need to update the looks of their cars for a long time, that they will never need to