
I’ve been watching my city rethink roads the last couple years and I gotta say, the amount of non-car infrastructure getting added is wonderful.

I feel like 90% of conservative grievance comes from guys who are upset to find themselves getting treated the way our country has historically treated people of color, women and people without any real power.

OK- I was out mountain biking, got back to the trailhead and was cooling off on the tailgate of my outback when I heard this weird sound that was a cross between the weird ass vocal bit in 2001 a space odyssey and some strange symphonic warmup and the sound of something mechanical going extremely wrong and I, as well

OK, so firing musk would probably tank the stock price. or more realistically, it would cause the stock price to reset to where it actually belongs.There’s no one you can replace him with where that doesn’t happen. But, that’s happening right now anyway, just slower.

They will get better when they fire Musk. Since that’s not going to happen, this whole thing is going to be lather rinse repeat for a while.

Oh god I forgot about the noise.

As A non dazzling urbanite, I got sunburn on top of my head enough times that I made sure my process was, take top down, put sunscreen on head, go. Stupid northern european ancestors.

Same, but I have never seen wooden dash panels restored by an amateur that looked good- when was the last time you were able to get a durable glass-like finish on a piece of wood? It feels like wooden dash bits are the domain of some very specialized wizards, most of whom are now dead.

wood dashes are great until you have to restore them.

The downside was that they leaked and they were really easy for thieves to break to get into cars- breaking a whole window is loud but these little guys, so easy.

My Outback has a coin holder! It holds exactly one quarter for Aldi’s carts, as I switched to an Ipass as SOON as such a thing was available to make driving easier.

Fun fact- convertibles are only great if you have really short hair. Otherwise they’re a great way to get tangles and sunburn. They’re great in theory but they’re typically owned by someone who will mansplain to their passengers why “convertibles are great, actually.”

Assuming there’s anything left of civilization in 50 years, I really wish I could see what’s written about this period in the history books. And I really, really hope we call it the Glass Onion era. An era of rich idiots who seem smart until you scratch the surface and discover that they are all just corrupt and dumb

Looking back it’s hard to believe how much Carter actually got right and, had we followed his lead, how much better off we’d be right now. But instead we went with Reagan.

Black bears are basically giant racoons. They’re super easy to scare off, they are basically lazy and just want the easiest calories possible. Do not get between them and their cubs, but otherwise just beat on something loud, make yourself big, yell at them and 9 times out of 10 they’ll amble away or climb up a tree.

So, black bears are basically giant racoons by nature- they will forage, they’ll eat anything and if they get the chance to steal some food that they don’t have to work for they will 100% just steal that food. I’ve run into several black bears while canoe camping and they’re mostly just annoying.

Nothing says successful around the world vehicle like needless mechanical complexity. And before anyone says “but what about Ewan McGregor and long way round?” They literally had a chase truck carrying 2 or 3 full GS1250s worth of spare parts and mechanics.

This is the greatest scam the wealthy have pulled on the working class here in America- Unions (which would protect them from unscrupulous bosses) are bad, Universal healthcare (which would allow them to have decent healthcare if they got fired or if they work part time or as contract workers) is socialist nonsense

To be fair this is exactly the type of person they usually hit up for a new track.

So glad they kept standard, nothing special side rails that work with existing racks on this thing. With that, increased sound deadening and a nicer interior, it looks like this is the way to go to replace my outback.