
I cannot imagine a one piece cast front floor pan assembly is going to make collisions cheap to fix, like, it sounds like an absolute guarantee that any minor collision is going to total the car. Am I missing something?

Sure, but who doesn’t love actually getting a chance to use all their art history stuff for a change?

I think this is Musk’s overall strategy right now- Get ahead of the pack- Tesla, check. Superchargers, check.

Honestly, it’s Ted Cruz. have at it.

There are many beautifully shaped and elegantly constructed mechanical bits that are not art, despite the fact that they look like art. Partly because, no one is saying, I made this and it’s art.

Edward Hopper was known for many things. Creativity was not one of them.

If his persona on “Drive to netflix” is anything to go by he has to be a gigantic douchebag. Like, everything the english complain about when they complain about other english people.

I honestly wonder how much of the current Red Bull implosion is the result of Red Bull bringing engine production in house? Like, they’re going from what is probably the most reliable engine in F1 to “lads, we’ll do it ourselves” and I wonder if everyone is finding whatever reason they can to clear out before they get

OK, so there was a taxi company in my city that switched to an all tesla model 3 fleet because the maintenance costs were much lower than their previous vehicles. And apparently that really worked well for them, though they still ended up getting killed by Uber in the end.

True. Maybe that is the bright shining light in all this- The bulk of americans are turned off by the white nationalist ramblings of Musk. So yay, progress.

Love this. 100%

As I was taking my kiddo to school, I saw one of those big tall model X teslas stuck in traffic, looking a bit out of place, I thought about how much my opinion towards their awkward looks has changed due to Musk. Like, a couple years ago, they were still just as weird looking as they are now but part of me was like,

No, he’s pretty clearly the henry ford of our generation- Smart enough to invest in a legitimately smart idea and capitalize on it, dumb enough to wreck his legacy with dumb-ass antisemitism and conspiracy theories.

I honestly don’t believe anyone could dominate in the Mercedes car as it exists today. Win, perhaps but dominate? nope.

Sure, but Hamilton was never going to leave Mercedes either and Horner appears to be an insufferable prick of the “Jeremy Clarkson minus the charm” variety. I’m honestly wondering if all the rats desert the ship before Red Bull takes over engine production on their own, because that has the makings of an utter

OK, soooo... The last big infrastructure bill went big on “y’all have toe build more chargers that work as easily as gas stations, and here’s a boat load of cash to make it happen- go.”

So far, my autobraking has been great. On occasion it goes off as I’m pulling into the garage and it thinks I’m going a bit fast, which, FINE, it’s probably right, and it hates the manhole at the end of my parent’s driveway when I’m backing up. But I will 100% take these minor glitches over not having it.

In a perfect world, verstappen goes to mercedes, newey goes to ferarri and we celebrate a couple years of F1 actually being fun to watch. In an even perfecter world, Red Bull promotes Ricairdo to fill one of their seats and hilarity ensues as we go back to the days of red bull drivers crashing into each other because

That makes sense and also you have the best name ever.

Again, the thing at issue isn’t whether distracted drivers are an issue. That’s a no brainer, yup, distracted drivers are an issue.

The issue is that autopilot and FSD are linked to over 900 crashes.

“In 59 crashes examined by NHTSA, the agency found that Tesla drivers had enough time, “five or more seconds,” prior