
Fun fact I learned when I swapped my low profile tire having VW for a big ol marshmallow tire Outback- this is really only a problem if you have low profile tires. It kinda seems like a no brainer- tires cost less, car is more comfortable AND it’s a whole lot harder to get curb rash...

“As we prepare the company for our next phase of growth, it is extremely important to shrink ourselves by 10%”

I know this will get me yelled at but I can’t help it: Maseratis all look like slightly nicer early 2000s Pontiacs.

We need more folks like you on planes :)

Or, they’ve already been trying and you just didn’t see it. In our case kiddo wanted no part of anything we had to offer. Or anyone else. No one wants to be that person on a plane. Every parent prepares as best they can and then sometimes, welp, your number is up and this is what you get.

Everyone forgets there’s a good chance they were that kid at one point in their life, be it on a plane, in a restaurant... anywhere.

We were the parents of THAT child for an entire flight between Milwaukee and Tampa.

This is what hurts the most- Wishing you can teleport is more likely than the possibility of the US getting the same kind of rail infrastructure the rest of the world has had for decades.

If you are bad at paying your bills, you are a risk. Insurance companies are risk averse.Their entire business is built on paying out less on risks than they take in.

Counterpoint: Insurance is a business. They’re in business to make money. And there is no business that knows better, to the penny, how much it will actually cost to fix your car than the insuance industry.

Worst thing about owning a car is that I don’t really have any choice in the matter. I have to own a car. I know this will sound sacrilegious on a site built around the joy of driving but... I don’t want to have to drive everywhere. Mainly because most of my driving is uninspiring commuting or freeway driving or

I absolutely love what the lads at Might Car Mods did with their Subaru Brat/Brumby. It wasn’t a WRX engine swap, it wasn’t super high performance and the paint job wasn’t a retro-throwback- they took a fairly normal motor and dumped it into a wee little truck, gave it that beautiful subaru green paint and done. I

Anecdotally, I’m seeing a LOT of Teslas around town wearing some variation of an “I bought it before he went nuts” bumper sticker.

“Whether you hate me, like me or are indifferent, do you want the best car, or do you not want the best car?”

Oh my god they’re finally building the B-ark.

I’m really disappointed that there are no recipes from the Whittington brothers. I hear Columbia has amazing cuisine.

Honestly, I just want a car that’s electric. I don’t want a steering yoke. I don’t want it to drive itself. I don’t need stainless steel, I don’t want it to make fart noises with the horn. What I want is just... A car. A car that doesn’t cost 10k more than I’m already willing to spend.

But is it worth dying for? Are you honestly gonna tell me that you’d get in a gunfight over that 15 year old TV in the living room? That you’d be OK ending someone’s life because they stole the lawnmower out of your garage?

Most of the stuff you worked hard for is at the end of it’s lifecycle because nothing lasts

OK, hold on. The Base 2024 imprezza weighs 3,171 pounds and makes 152 HP, which comes out to about 21 pound per horse.

My 2017 Outback with all the options weighs 3,946 pounds and makes 175 hp, which comes out to about 22 pounds per horse. That’s not a difference that’s gonna make much of a difference.

I can guarantee

“ermahgerd the CVT ruins the driving experience its the worst thing ever”