
Silly as it seems to us from these here united states, “fuck it, just let them have it” is not terrible advice. I can’t imagine anything I own that I’d be willing to kill or die for. Fuck it. Take it.

OK, does this have gears? if so, what’s the range?

Carbon belts are the bomb. They’re easier to maintain because you really don’t need to maintain them. Also they were pioneered on motorcycles so they’ve been well tested- Harley has been all belt drive for years. Silent and no lubrication needed, you can ride them in the winter and not have to worry about road salt

I’m seriously asking, aside from enthusiasts, does anyone actually think the Subaru impreza is slow or underpowered? I’ve had one and it was fine- never caused me any trouble. Ditto my Outback, which I’ve also heard described as underpowered- What are y’all trying to do that requires more power than it’s already got?

I mean, I have a decent sized tent for car camping, and all the stuff that needs to be in the tent goes in the tent, anything that doesn’t stays in the car. So, cooler, cooking gear- in the car. Sleeping stuff and clothes? In the tent. Also I’m not anywhere where bears breaking into cars is a thing.

As for foul

But, unless you live somewhere where you can actually drive your vehicle into a campsite, you end up surrounded by RVs or in the parking lot.


In my Great lakes lousy winters hot summers city they work great. We’ve got a mix of dedicated bike paths that serve as a bike freeway through the city and then more and more bike lanes on the streets.

I think RTTs work best when you live where there’s BLM land where you can just camp where ever you want. Like, around here you’re just going to be stuck in a parking lot or in the spot next to the RVs.

This is always the case with factory car tents. I don’t know why they can’t get crisp lines and taught fabric but it’s like somehow it’s impossible when it comes from the factory.

OK, so factory tents that integrate with vehicles NEVER look good. That’s just a given. For some reason they’re always baggy and loose fitting in a way that a real tent never is. So the Cybertent is no outlier here.

Subaru Outback- the big plastic rack thing on the roof. Instead of a set of standard roof rails (like the rails on a forester), the outback has these giant clunky rack things that kinda work sort of but are too short for canoes and kayaks, too narrow and most importantly, do not fit with the literally thousands of

Someone’s never driven a 3 on the tree...

Manual transmissions are always better/Automatic transmissions ruin the driving experience.

That was invented by dads who really just wanted to concentrate on the road.

On the one hand, I totally get that this was not a fatal problem and everyone is getting a little worked up.

Wow you are in a mood to fight. Ima bow out.

Actually, yup. I am a single car household. I need a vehicle that’s functional, doesn’t break and doesn’t need expensive service. And hauls my kiddo, hauls bikes and camping gear and canoes and paddle boards. And mulch and lumber and weird shit I find on Craigslist. 911s are cool but given the choice between the two I

Funny enough, I’d prefer a camry over a 911. You’re reading a lot into it but you do you.

I like his old stuff but it feels like a Miro/Kandinsky mashup. I’m glad he found his own path.