
So, why did I say one is a porsche and one is a camry? because a 911 is pretty rare on the roads. A camry is common. I will see 20 camrys on my drive home tonight but not a single 911. Does that make 911s bad cars? hardly anyone drives them, they must suck. Does that make the camry the greatest car in the world?

LBJ was about as much of an insider as it was possible to be. He knew how to get the senate to do what he wanted, knew how to make a compromise, He may have been a crude jackass when he wanted to be but he was still presidential as hell. Although a friend of mine once quipped, “I wonder when they’re going to build a

They still tell the story about the amphicar on tours of the Johnson Ranch.

Driving into Chicago is always a stressful nightmare even on a good day. We’ve learned to park in the suburbs and take the train in. I get to relax, the kiddos get to chatter and look out the windows and my partner and I get to hang out and start the visit without a giant driving and parking headache. I just wish I

My hot take, which I have said over and over and over again: if we want more cool little sports cars, we need better public transit.

Funny that you named an artist who was called talentless a hack who couldn’t paint by his contemporaries. Monet got rid of the idea of complete reproduction of a scene and just painted it’s impression, thus impressionism. It was considered lazy, bad, ugly “herp derp maybe he needs glasses” but he painted what he

to quote Dr. Frankenfurter “I didn’t make him for YOU!”

Ducks and dogs is a totally valid type of art. It’s never going to be cutting edge, it’s always going to be comfortable and accessible. Like a Camry. There’s a reason Camrys (and ducks and dogs pictures) are so popular and make money hand over fist. If you like ducks and dogs, be proud of that fact. If you like

Let’s try another metaphor. Have you ever seen a full on fashion show, the kind where the clothes are utterly unwearable and make no sense and you think, “this is stupid, why would anyone want to buy this?” or a concept car that seems ridiculous, all bubble roofs and designed to be an autonomous rolling lounge and you

Art= “herp derp I coulda done that myself” + “Yeah but you didn’t.”

The ill-styled commission you spoke of, the 911 Carrera 2 Targa Max Power- was sold with 90 miles on it. 90. 20 of which were added by the selling agent. So someone spent 700K (according to the BAT page) having a custom race air cooled race motor built, got every detail just the way they wanted it,and then drove it 70

Special thanks to all the teams that kept the logos on the side pods aligned with the track and not at the same angle as the sidepod, which looks awful.

Counterpoint: No it won’t. Sure, it’ll have some ridiculous amount of horsepower. But it will have the same 300 mile range as everything else of it’s size on the market.

Yeah, this is an especially bad look for VW.

I get it. My girlfriend’s Prius is low to the ground and it’s harder to get in and out of than my Outback. That said, the prius gets better gas mileage so we drive it more. I totally get dinging the miata on ease of entry but still loving it for everything else.

I get that. I’m also a homeowner and there are times when it would be nice to have that much space to haul something from the appliance store or craigslist.

Totally get that and respect your opinion. For me it’s just that this this new one isn’t a mini anymore.

Calling BS on this. Mine’s 16 now and as a baby/toddler/grade schooler she barfed all over the back seat, there were goldfish crackers permanently ground into the upholstery, sippy cups leaked, crayons got left in the door pull and then melted down the door card, She got bored on a long drive and kicked the center

OK, honest answer on why I didn’t get the minivan when we had a kid- they’re too expensive. I got what I could afford, which was a VW JSW.

Didn’t Moog already do this on Might Car Mods? And the result looks better? And with zero pretentiousness? And that still has a functioning back seat and trunk?