
I can only give one big piece of advice- Fuck enthusiast approved. Those enthusiasts won’t be driving your car, they won’t be paying for it. Who cares what they think? I say this as someone who used to worry way too much about what “they” thought and now drive something that makes me happy but I’m pretty sure “they”

The only drug that matters in this case is the drug of having essentially zero consequences for your actions. Plenty of CEOs around the world can operate just fine despite swimming in a sea of coke and hookers and expensive scotch, mainly because they know they have to have a reasonably straight face when they face

So is this a problem like, say, climate change? In other words, a problem that has an absolute shitton of factors, none of which by themselves is the actual problem, but all of which together, start adding up to truly awful results, results that compound with each other and add to the problem until you hit a crisis

Yet another reason I could move to canada.

And yet, because we all expect insurance to cost nothing and fix everything, We expect that insurance will rebuild our homes 2,3,4 times and that our rates shouldn’t go up because of that. We’ve got states *coughFLORIDAcough* that have banned the mention of climate change as a reason for... anything but that doesn’t

Again, considering how well that argument has gone for healthcare AND the fact that as far as I know, even the most socialized of EU countries requires you to buy private insurance for your private vehicle, I don’t think that’s an option.

Well, considering how well that line of argument has gone for healthcare- which is an actual necessity- I can’t imagine it’s gonna happen anytime soon. Also pretty sure that even the most socialized of European countries still requires you to buy your own private auto insurance. Of course, those countries can say,

All the street circuits look identical from a TV coverage standpoint. One big tunnel of chain link and concrete with an assload of yellow and red DHL or Aramco logos. Day or night it might as well be racing in a parking garage.

What, exactly would you suggest they replace it with?

Lots of smaller insurance companies are already doing just that. Some of the larger ones, too. I’d bet getting home insurance in costal florida is going to become nigh impossible sooner than later.

Insurance companies are for profit businesses, not public services.

It’s all where you live. Around here the plowing is pretty awesome, and not just in the city.

Oooooof. true.

Honestly, anything more than “just wait for the plows to come through and then drive carefully because it’s icy” is a complex and expensive solution to a problem that doesn’t exist, but that hasn’t stopped Subaru and Jeep from making a fortune selling 4/AWD.

Shape memory alloys are more than just springs- imagine a spring that, when you run a current through it, immediately turns into a straight piece of metal.

It’s got some seriously cool technological potential.

There’s an awesome episode of 99% invisible about a police department in California that changed their uniforms and attitudes (and how much the cops HATED it) https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-blazer-experiment/

And I think about this episode every time I hear about cops abusing power, closing ranks and

“If you have an argument with another car, you will win,”

I have a feeling Columbus is quite nice if you’re not a student but I’ve never been in a place that disliked the students as much as Columbus.

It’s the early 90s, it’s like 9pm and my girlfriend and I are driving to the Kinkos on High Street in Columbus Ohio because they have a color copier and if you’re an art school student, this is makes package design projects SO MUCH EASIER.

If only there had been a good guy with a gun. That would have fixed everything.