
I’m interested to know how one can simultaneously believe that, as a wealthy supergenius, it’s your duty to spawn as many children as possible AND that you don’t actually need to support them.

But it’s pretty clear that his version of reality and the version that the rest of the world lives in are two very different

On the one hand, you don’t stay rich by giving other people money. On the other hand, don’t be a douchebag. On the third hand, the douchebag boat has long sailed for Mr. Musk.

I mean, I don’t know what news you’ve been consuming but they’ve definitely been making it to the news. It’s been a pretty low and consistent buzz for the last couple years.

Kei Trucks and vans. Seriously, we need small, inexpensive useful and utilitarian haulers. Most of us just need to haul mulch and furniture and appliances and big bulky shit that won’t fit in our car/crossover/SUV.

There should be armies of these things for rent at your local big box lowes/menards/whatever. We need

Since when does acting like an adult mean not following the laws of the community you live in? This is some weird teenage fantasy of what being an adult is.

Actually, pretty close to it. I set my cruise for 73 on the freeway (most freeways around me are 70mph) because that’s the best compromise between gas mileage and not being in the way. In town, yes, of course I follow the speed limit pretty close because why wouldn’t I? I will of course run with traffic if traffic is

I feel like we as a country have forgotten the very important reason we are able to function as a conrty, a society, a civilization. We have rules AND (more importantly) we CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE. What Fox is pushing borders on sociopathic- the only thing that matters is me and mine, everything else can go fuck

Well sure... :)

Calling bullshit on that- we put 2 in a civic. Carseats are not that big. Definitely not bigger than a seated adult.

I’ll be honest- I’ve never owned a car with more than 200 hp and I have never found myself thinking, “this situation could only be improved with more power...”

To be fair to Slate, the gist of the article was that there really is no need for cars that can go 3-4 times the speed limit. And they’ve got a point. The same way we don’t need giant truuuuuuuuks to drop the kids off at school, the same way we don’t need hockey mom Expeditions to get the groceries, we don’t need

But, since most modern roads are literally designed not to slow you down and in fact make it easier for you to drive faster, you kinda have to rebuild the roads to slow people down. Remember, a posted speed limit of 20 means people are probably driving 30. Just like a posted speed limit of 30 usually means folks are dr

How much of what you’re talking about is government, and how much is NIMBY? Like, Indianapolis and the Monon Trail-

Government: “everything we have studied says this MUT will be a net gain for anyone even remotely near it.
NIMBYs “it will become a CRIME SUPERHIGHWAY bringing those people to my virginal suburbs from

Oh yay, Exxon is involved. They make everything better.

Dan Savage (of Savage Love) had the best fiscal argument ever for making cities more usable by non-drivers- it allows the city government to tell drivers to shut the fuck up about traffic. “oh you’re stuck in a traffic jam? then take the train/bus/bike/any other way to get around.”

Right, but you can’t solve all the problems at once. So first, slow things down.

Everyone. Because driving for the holidays is the worst. I have to drive 5 hours to my parent’s house to celebrate thanksgiving because we as a country refuse to build any kind of alternate form of transit. Our holiday season begins right around the time that you want to drive the least, especially in the midwest- ice

Top gear needs to die. I love the new hosts and the new show, but the whole thing reminds me of a show they did recently- they found old cars that would be perfect for new drivers because they were more authentically drivers cars- and the cars were legitimately cool, but at the end of the show, they all came to the

I’m saying that even convenience stores have figured out that you have to pay people a living wage. The folks who scream “we can’t find any workers to do these jobs!” Are usually folks who pay for shit and no one wants to do those jobs for the money they’re offering.

If you can’t find workers, you aren’t paying

This is literally the problem with everyone who’s crying that they can’t find workers. You can totally find workers. You just have to pay them better.

Shit, KwikTrip is saying they’ll pay assistant managers 53k+ benefits right now.