
I feel sorry for Tesla. They were the undisputed market leader. They still are the market leader. But the writing is on the wall. And that writing is not being helped by the antics of it’s jackass CEO.

I mean,we’ve given them THREE races and now they want to add another American team to the grid? Look, we TOLERATE Haas because they’re bad and honestly, we like the fact that they play the role of clueless Americans SO WELL. But ugh, can’t we just go back to Monaco and forget this godforsaken continent? next thing

Here’s the thing though- at that price, the expectations are pretty low. Like, sure, their previous attempt sucked. But so did the VW beetle. It was a garbage car. But it was cheap and it generally worked.

And that’s like saying Rudy Vallee was the equal of the Beatles because he only had a megaphone while they had 4-track recording.

My daughter’s best friend had grubhub deliver a bubble tea during a blizzard because she really wanted a bubble tea.

Sure, the Rivian is more capable off road, but you’ll die when the indians from a (sooooooo racist) 1960's western shoot  you with an arrow through your door.

Honestly, all of them.

If you’re ever in Indianapolis, do yourself a favor and drive to the really sketchy part of town, drive under the seating and track and into the Indy 500 infield, where you will find the Indy 500 museum. The cars contained within are... insane. I mean, they are beautiful in ways modern cars just can’t be, but they are

“I don’t think anyone does that on purpose,” Verstappen said, referring to the illegal cars of his competitors. “It’s more because of this Sprint format, where you only have one practice session where you try to nail everything. Once you are in the wrong, there’s nothing you can do.”

I think what Verstappen said

This is what you quickly notice when you ride your bike- WHY is it so hard to get to the damned grocery? Who the fuck designed these roads? Why did I buy a house way the fuck out here? Who needs a vehicle that fucking big to get to work? Why did I buy a vehicle that fucking big to get to work?

with a 900 mile range, refueling doesn’t really matter. The number of people who regularly drive 900 miles in a day is vanishingly small- that’s 15 hours behind the wheel.

former resident. I earned it.

Yeah but if you’re driving over 900 miles in a day you are WAY out of the norm. No matter how much range you cram into a battery there’s always someone who’ll complain they need 100 more miles.

I’ll say this- a 900 mile EV would be a game changer in a lot of ways- Like, only having to charge your car once a month would be pretty awesome.Kinda like, just drive where ever, charge when it’s available, no need for fast charging.

Maybe they know “Toyota promises affordable 300-mile EV” won’t click as well as “Toyota promises 900-mile EV.” So in a way, we have to thank them.

I feel like you’d have to get every state to do this to make it work. Like, Illinois can have the toughest gun laws in the country but if right across the border is Indiana, where gun laws are “wut we don’t care”, it doesn’t matter. Or like polution, where Wisconsin can try and be tough on people dumping in lake

The Dodge Aspen gets my vote. It’s not obviously ugly- look at it and you’ll say, “Oh c’mon, it’s not that bad...” but look at it closer- every angle, every part of this car is just soul sucking. It’s like someone took a Nova and said, make it worse in every possible way, but do it in a subtle way, so the horror of it

Weird hill to die on but OK. Clearly, when we referred to hoosier racing slicks, we were referring to a specific brand of racing tire and not making fun of the rednecks running bald tires. You got me, As a teen I and my friends had an intimate knowledge of tires, as one does as a teen in the 80s.

you can’t throw a bike or a washing machine in a frunk.

Anecdotally, it seems like a lot of people are just fed up with Musk’s antics and now that there’s valid competition, they have no problem going somewhere else. Just saw a model S with the license plate “MSK SCKS” and I’ve seen a few other teslas around town with a ‘I bought it before Musk was a problem” type bumper st