
It’s the whole system blowing her off. The cops, the courts, you name it. Because women are hysterical, and really, they just get so worked up over things and honestly he’s just standing in her yard, maybe she should just close the blinds.

Right but are people buying tesla sedans because they love sedans, or are they buying them because for the past 10 years they were the best choice for an electric vehicle? As in, “I’d rather have an electric Mazda CX50 but since that doesn’t exist as an electric I’ll go with a model 3...”

Um, welcome to the wonderful world of boys will be boys? Our system sucks at protecting women. Male cops show up, blow off women’s concerns as “she’s being hysterical” or show up and talk to the man, who’s being calm, as the woman is in tears and decide “she’s being hysterical, let’s listen to the calm guy.”

Could it also be that, the longer marvel movies go and the deeper they dig for stories, the further away from their new audience they get?

I have to disagree on the idea that ford half-assed it with the E-150- they know what their customers want (an F-150) and they delivered that. If you want an f-150, you don’t want someone to rethink it. You want something as f-150 as possible.

I cannot believe that what EV buyer want is sedans. Mainly because no one else wants to buy sedans. Unless EV buyers are a super special subset of car buyer, they want something with 5 doors. But they’ll take a sedan because it’s closer to that goal than a pickup.

Nah, if you grew up in Indiana in the 70s and 80s, Hoosier racing slicks was slang for bald tires. But shit, I just grew up there, what do I know?

Maybe what he’s getting at is less “restraint” than... dirtbagishness.

It’s the same reason some folks say that football isn’t tough like it used to be and that modern athletes are pansies.

I feel like completely scrapping the whole program and starting from scratch might be the best way forward. Reevaluate everything except driver safety and then design around that- your car has to have a pod for the driver which will survive a Romain Grosjean-level crash with the driver unharmed. Other than that, we’re

A predilection for wearing speedos at the pool is really all I can think of and honestly, we should be following their example instead of what passes for men’s swimwear in America, which is basically swimming cullotes.

I fought spending money on a new mower for years but damn, electric is 100% the way to go. Super quiet, lightweight and the best thing is that they are so easy to turn on/off. So you know how with a gas mower you kinda have to decide whether you really want to stop the engine because that means you are gonna have to

Unless you have a super long driveway, just get a corded electric snowblower. They’re super simple, quiet and you don’t have to worry about spoiled gas, getting them started or anything like that. Plus, they’re generally pretty cheap. I use one in Wisconsin and it’s been great.

damnit. Beat me to it.

But they do actually cause increases in congestion, even Uber and Lyft will admit that. They have made traffic worse.

Outback owner here- I doubt I’ll buy another Outback because I don’t need the size anymore, but I love everything else about it so a nice crosstrek sounds good. Also, I have zero desire to wear a flat brim hat pulled down over my ears so I don’t really want a WRX version.

We have built a lot of bike infrastructure but the question is, how much of it is truly functional? Like, in my city we have an impressive array of dedicated bike paths and these are fantastic for getting from, say, my neighborhood to the farmer’s market downtown. BUT, we don’t have a lot of neighborhood focused bike

I would be willing to bet the venn diagram of people who were able and willing to commute to work by bike and people who’s jobs have switched to work from home is pretty close to a circle.

I mean, editing can do amazing things.

We make SO MUCH stuff out of oil. Plastics. Roads. fabrics. Big oil will be fine.