
OK, hear me out, this is going to sound crazy, but wouldn’t it have been easier to just not write way too many tickets for people of color in the first place?

Nope. Unless everyone on the grid was given specific instructions that they would have to answer questions from Martin Brundle if asked as a condition of entry, She’s allowed to say no.

Let’s say Brundle cornered the noted racing and privacy enthusiast Dave Letterman- does he have to answer questions just because he’s on the grid?

On the one hand, yeah, it seems like an overreaction. On the other hand, would you want this used on the road in front of your house? Or the road in front of your daycare? Everyone is OK with it when it’s being used somewhere else but close to home? mayyyyyybe not.

why do people buy suvs and crossovers? because you need one vehicle that can do everything. If my city had better public transit and if the midwest had actual rail transit, would I need to own a subaru outback? No. I’d probably have something smaller, that got better gas mileage. But instead, I have to own one car

cars have become too easy to drive and too isolating

We will build millions of dollars of special infrastructure for bikes, including elaborate bridges because that’s easier than actually getting drivers to pay attention to the road.

There’s actually a special tailgate cover you can buy for bikes to hang over the back of your truck. which just seems like it defeats the purpose of a truck.

My dad has been a truck guy since I was a baby- worked in construction, does a lot of camping and woodworking- He’s literally the poster child (well, senior citizen) for trucks. But he got rid of his last f-150 about 10 years ago because “the damned thing was too tall to load”- he replaced it with a transit van. Which

Damnit, I was really hoping Elon Musk would go down after them in a home made ironman suit.

Honestly, almost everything from this era of car design just looks like it was designed by pontiac. Overly round, plastic, that interior, the wheels, the paint textures... This may be the best looking variant of the XJ220 but that’s not saying a whole lot.

Y’know, Dan Savage was able to get Rick Santorum’s name re-defined as an unpleasant after effect of anal sex. Would it be so hard to do the same to Mr. Musk?

One would think that as a super genius engineer, Mr. Musk would appreciate the granularity of cis for identity- engineers usually love to label, sub-label and sub-sub-label things until you hit subatomic particles.

This is the worst photoshop job ever but I think it shows some of the possibilities this thing has...

Also there are 3 full on “haul out” stops where the boats are literally pulled out of the water and given substantial maintenance. Since they’re all custom made, I’m guessing this takes a while.

Might be the route- the usual circumnavigation route is to make the journey as short as possible- sail down the atlantic to the cape of good hope, take the shortest possible route around the world in the roaring 40s, survive until you hit patagonia and head back north.

Can we talk about how that extra window above the windshield needs to be added to every production car in the world because that window appears to be exactly where the roof of any car obstructs your view of stop lights?

This may just be a tall person problem but still, I want that window.

Motorists complaining about bikes having more rights than them makes about as much sense as Christian conservatives saying that Transgender people have more rights than they do.

1: We already give cars TREMENDOUS amounts of leeway AND special roads that only they can use. So asking drivers to let cyclists have a wee

Multiple studies across multiple countries have concluded that it’s usually the driver’s fault (between 60 and 85% drivers fault depending on the country). Generally speaking, when a car hits a cyclist, it’s that car’s fault.

Religious leaders would be either A: confronted with evidence that their universal god has no presence off our 1 little planet OR B, we’d be confronted with evidence that there is 1 universal god and ours ain’t it OR C, we’d be confronted with the idea that yep, in fact there is one universal god, it’s the one one