
Let’s not forget how good first contact with a more technologically advanced civilization has always gone here on earth before we roll out the welcome mat...

Honestly, I’m very ok with this staying covered up and hidden away. The kind of absolute cutural shitstorm, the kind of insane paranoia this could would 100% spark is like nothing we’ve ever seen. The theological implications alone could would end up destroying society as we know it, and I like society. It’s where I

I wonder how long it is before someone notices that Elon Musk owns noted government contractor SpaceX and starts digging into whether or not they should even BE a government contractor.

Nah. If I get an even more complicated drivetrain, it will not be coming from Chrysler/fiat.

Honestly, I’d be willing to bet that 28k is high :)

No hate for off roading as a hobby. But let’s be honest- 99% of the jeeps on the road, 99% of the land cruisers with RTTs and an axe strapped to the rack are not owned by off roaders. They’re owned by folks who buy these big-ass, shitty gas mileage getting lifestyle vehicles, mod them with lift kits and tubular

I am a single car household and an outdoor enthusiast, so I need one vehicle that can do everything all the time. I have a 450 mile drive I have to do a couple times a month that takes me through some of the less stable parts of the electric car infrastructure and I tend to go mountain biking in places where even gas

Or, and I know this sounds crazy, ask the nice woman what car she actually wants/needs and then get her that.

So, we did lots of things in ye olden days that are now considered “holy fuck what were they thinking.” The playground equipment I played on seemed to be purpose-designed to break bones and crush hands. And yes, we survived. But I doubt anyone would recommend breaking a collar bone for fun. We redesigned things so

OK, let’s try it this way- when you are playing a driving simulator/game, you start with everything automatic so you can focus on learning how a car handles, how everything works. As you get skilled and learn how to corner and accelerate and brake and deal with other cars, you can add more control- turn off all the

I did :) It’s more that the same folks who built letterman’s volvo built this so buyer beware :)

It was. I doubt this has the same problems though it’s built by the same guys sooo...

One should probably watch the Letterman episode of comedians in cars getting coffee before considering buying one. I believe letterman said his caught fire.

Or you could just be a grown up and admit that you are never, ever going to need off-road capabilities greater than those provided by a Subaru Outback and just go with that, or some expensive AWD BMW if you need to look fancy and shit.

I feel like people who insist their kids learn to drive stick are kinda like folks who want to homeschool their kids so they only learn what they want them to learn. Teach them to drive stick after they’ve mastered driving a 3500 pound vehicle through traffic- like when they turn 18. Right now, a manual transmission

Oh, it’s not just the south. Not just rural.

We’ve got 3 in Madison, Wisconsin/Dane County.

Man, this barrel sure seems to have a lot of rotten apples, maybe we should dump the barrel out, get rid of all the bad ones and then look at the barrel to see if it’s a problem with the barrel or just an apple problem, or if it’s both. Like, maybe this particular barrel seems to get the worst apples? Or maybe the

I mean, the bulk of most major cities in the world was built post WW2. Yes, the oldest sections of london were built by the romans, but that was a city of thousands, and now london is a city of 10 million or so. And somehow, they managed to scale up public transit with their growth. Despite their shitty weather. Ditto

So, taxis, but you have to completely re-do our entire road infrastructure and no one can have a regular car anymore. It’s a terrible idea. It’s an expensive solution for the simple problem of, “just take a bus or a train or a taxi or and uber or a bicycle or walk or just don’t be an idiot behind the wheel.”

Or, we