
Honestly, FSD is a solution to a problem no one asked to be solved.

It get what you’re saying and I totally get why you’d need to do this for closed circuits, but... I doubt you’ll get it. too much liability. the amount of safeties that would have to be built in so that this could only ever be turned off on a closed circuit would be prohibitively expensive, and you know that if it

So, we are never going to get full self driving cars. It’s just not going to happen. And that’s OK. But what we are getting is cars that make the world safer by having better reaction times than you. And that’s fantastic.

Since that’s not going to happen, we’ll go with the braking thing.

One can posit all sorts of what ifs. But that’s not what happened and it’s not what happens with almost all “accidents.”

Again, if you don’t see the cyclist or pedestrian, you’re either not paying attention or you are going too fast for the conditions.

I’ve actually been that guy- I stopped to help ducklings that couldn’t make it over the curb to follow their mom. Those little fuckers do not want to be caught. I stopped my car behind them and used it as my traffic blocker.

That said, I’m of the opinion that there’s no such thing as an accident in a car- there’s

This pisses me off because it could literally be me. Several years ago, on the way to work, stopped to help some ducklings who were unable to jump over the curb to follow their mom.

Tesla has long prided itself on word-of-mouth among its fan base to market its vehicles. It’s built a formidable brand without paying for television, radio or print ads.

Years ago my kiddo was the crying child on a flight from milwaukee to Ft. Meyers. It was the worst thing ever- non stop, inconsolable, We were apologetic, we took kiddo to the bathroom as often as possible to get at least some kind of a door between her and the rest of the plane. Other parents offered toys and stuff,

Whoops spoiler alert

Again, what, exactly do you expect them to do? Anyone who thinks there’s a magic combo that will 100% stop a baby from crying in any situation is deluding themselves.

Welp, you have just cursed yourself into being the one with the crying baby sometime in the future.

My airline etiquette pet peeve: the people that walk by and give you an exceedingly dirty look because you have a crying baby/child.

Soooo... distribution. It’s distribution, right? Because it’s easy to build 12 million parking spaces at the walmart big box on the edge of town, less easy to build parking spaces downtown, right?

The problem is, Marvel is falling into the same trap with it’s movies that comic books generally fall into.

I switched to an electric mower as soon as it was possible and that’s been the best change of all- easy to start and stop, easy to push, quieter- quiet enough I can listen to my earpods at a normal volume while mowing. At this point I wouldn’t go back to gas if someone paid me to do so. All my lawn tools have switched

Thank you for clearing up my info! I keep going by, it’s about 45 minutes from the border to what I recognize as chicago, forgetting that no, it’s ALL Chicago. Also, it is possible to escape Indiana- I left 30 years ago and only have to visit for family.

Soooooo... until we solve ALL the other problems, we can’t address this problem, correct?

OK, so let’s address some of the problems in Chicago. Like, for example, Indiana being a short 45 minute drive away. Many people don’t know that while Chicago has extremely strict gun laws, Indiana doesn’t. At all. (Indiana also

I kinda get the feeling that PHEVs will be around longer than you’d think- all the folks who live in or go to areas where infrastructure in general, be it electrical or gasoline or whatever, is already lacking- will still need stable transportation. I’d suggest 20 years or more before PHEVs are obsolete.