
I can guarantee you there are already many people in Buffalo and Boston who get around just fine with no cars.

What’s always funny and telling about this is how mad some people get about the idea that someone might choose to try and make their life less car-centric.

Those Chicago interchanges. I’ve been stuck in every one of them. It’s a game of chance every time I drive through Chicago- which one is jammed up today (all of them). Which one sucks the least? Which one is going to be fast enough that I don’t end up driving I-39 through the middle of illinois instead? These

Now playing

This song is the closest I can get to what things felt like inside my head when my depression and anxiety were undiagnosed and running rampant through my life. Loud/quiet, clear and growled, a wall of sound that doesn’t go away, pulling you down again. Spiraling. 

I would have told myself that cars are really cool, but that cool comes at a hefty price- a set of obligations that can be absolutely crushing. Fuel. Repair. Insurance. Car payments.

Reminds me of something my MSF instructor drilled into our heads- The road doesn’t matter as much as what’s next to the road when you crash.

I had a 2WD Isuzu Amigo, which was perfect in Wisconsin, where I lived. Then I moved to Seattle, where it was still a pretty good way to get around town. Then I got bored and decided to go drive to Mount Saint Helens.

Oh yes. We pat ourselves on the back for being very progressive until it gets pointed out that we live in the least racially integrated state in the nation.

When folks say there’s no racism in the north, they tend to forget about stuff like this.

Enthusiast bemoan the lack of choice in cars while at the same time wishing to impose their choices on everyone else.

Honestly, my experience has been that most people, regardless of car, drive normally and like the rest of traffic. But from actual experience, driving with traffic in a Prius will get you some insane reactions that are 100% not justified and not ok.

OK, I just have to disagree with the Prius hate. My girlfriend has a Prius. And I’ve driven it quite a few times in various types of driving- traffic, freeway, alone, with her, etc. And you know what? It’s fine. Does it take a little getting used to the fact that the throttle response is tuned to prevent you from

So, about 2 weeks ago, Air Force 1 landed President Biden at my local airport in Madison, Wisconsin, (which is not a big city) for a quick speech in a local suburb. I know AF1 pretty much maxes out the runway there. Can’t imagine that a supersonic jet would need less room for landing. Which means, the president would

OK, Kei trucks, 100% yes. But swap out those min bikes with a couple actual fat tire bikes and have a lot more fun with a lot less weight and fumes.

I understand the reactions of some that actions like this mean that we need more dedicated infrastructure, more hardened and protected bike lanes, more separation. But I really have to ask, do we need that? Why isn’t the fact that there is a HUMAN BEING right there not enough? Why is it so hard to convince people that

Did you miss the entire point of the question or just some of it?

Because in a couple years, that’s not going to be an option is my guess.

If I remember correctly, stainless steel is not immune from corrosion/staining, just a lot more resistant. And it will scratch. Boy will it scratch. And everyone says “that’s easy. just hit it with a scotch-brite pad” but that never looks right... I mean, there’s multiple reasons we coat steel and not all of them are

Any basic pickup. There’s millions of these things- fleet work trucks- that are gonna get scrapped and they deserve better than that. Find a way to switch them over to battery power and let them roll on forever. Figure fleet trucks don’t need a lot of power (most of them have warnings on the dash about driving too

Oh look, it’s another supercar getting tested despite the fact that the number that will actually ever see more than 1000 miles on their odometer can probably be counted on the fingers of a clumsy shop teacher’s hand.

They’ll flog a couple test mules around the nurburgring so they can have some pointless numbers for