
He’s who I learned about FCs! Been in love with them ever since.

A jeep M677 Truck- basically a military variant of the jeep FC-170 with a crew cab. So cool, so weird. I want this to haul my mountain bikes and go camping with even though it’s probably too loud to get over 50 miles an hour and less safe than just riding my mountain bike on the freeway.

I mean, did it though?

2% of anything is niche.

I love cars! Cars are awesome! but wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to drive everywhere? Like, “oh, the weather sucks, I’d rather not risk my cool car, I’d rather take the bus” or, “sitting in traffic sucks and it’s not the reason I bought a car that can corner like it’s on rails”. I want to enjoy my driving

What could possibly go wrong?

Oooooof. that sucks.

Nope, and if you read what I wrote, I’m not asking anyone to give up their car. Just use it less. Which is what I’m doing. When I can, I ride my bike, when I need to go into the office I take the bus. My neighborhood is reasonably walkable in the summer, less so in the winter but it’s still doable.

You don’t have to

Right. But one bus carrying 40 people makes less tire dust than 35 cars carrying 40 people.

Part of the reason that’s the case is that it’s often so hard to build infill that the only projects that get built are pricey.

So, there’s a solution, but nobody wants that solution. The solution is, drive less. Start requiring neighborhoods to be built walkable, and on public transit routes. Start requiring new road projects to prioritize public transit. Override the NIMBYs who refuse to allow infill development in their neighborhoods

If my experience with VW is any indication, I can understand why they’re a one and done. The car was... fine. I guess. But the dealer experience and the experience of getting it fixed or serviced anywhere was just awful. Did not make me want another. I replaced it with my second Subaru, and could easily see getting

The truck from the Fall Guy had some amazing ways to avoid traffic. And yes, I would 100% get the matching “Fall Guy” embroidered satin jacket.

Anything new. Hear me out: If you are the kind of person who can afford a $200,000 car, you should also be the kind of person who knows that new cars are a terrible place to spend money and new luxury cars are the absolute worst.

BRG, especially when non-metallic, does an excellent job of hiding dirt. Which should be a mandatory consideration when buying a car.

The bland color palate is because anyone who’s ever owned a cool looking brightly colored car and lives where it snows quickly learned that bright colors need constant attention and decided to go with something lower maintenance. My previous car was bright red. Really pretty in June, looked like it had been

This is going to sound stupid to people who live in places with no snow, but I’d like to see automakers exploring colors that look good when covered in salt and road dirt. My outback is silver. Not because I love silver, not because I think silver is the best color but because silver is the color that hides dirt the

And yet, everyone I’ve know who’s had one loves it. They are extremely comfortable and capable long distance cruisers and do great hauling bikes and canoes. Not the most attractive care ever, but neither was my bug-eye impreza hatchback and yet people love it too.

I would suggest taking things a step further and saying that the heavier the vehicle, the smaller the federal rebate- With a weight target that keeps going down, kinda like the way we do MPG requirements now- set it to a 6,000 pound limit to be able to qualify for anything and a 3,000 pound limit for the maximum

OK, so lemme ask this- Why is a major snowstorm different that any other major summer storm? Like, no one expects you to go to work in a hurricane, right? Those folks who keep the country running mostly stay home. That last big blizzard that passed over the US before christmas had a death toll of close to 70 people-